Atomic Betty

Small Screen Specials, Series and Direct-To-Video
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Atomic Betty

Post by GeorgeC » October 29th, 2004, 3:41 am

Out of all the animated series being shown on TV now -- and all the classic cartoons locked in its vaults --, why does WB Home Video think any of us really wants to see a DVD release of Atomic Betty?

Yes, the show looks nice.

(Sue me, I like redheads!)

However, it's ultra-derivative, unfunny, and just mindnumbingly boring in the end.

Even Totally Spies has something going for it. I haven't been able to sit through an entire episode of Atomic Betty yet!

I'm not against shows with female leads/female heroes. Heck, I think they're actually needed to fill a void for girls (and boys).

(I'd almost argue WB should be doing an animated Wonder Woman series but frankly nobody at DC or WB Animation has a clue HOW to write that character now... and frankly DC partly ruined that character with her 1987 revamp. The last time I found Wonder Woman consistently interesting was when Lynda Carter played the character on TV.)

But couldn't this show have been done so much smarter than it has been so far?

Again, why a DVD release for a show widely considered a FAILURE and no DVD releases for shows people actually want?

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Post by Macaluso » October 29th, 2004, 10:54 am

You know dude, you sure like to speak for everyone else an AWFUL damn lot.

I love that show. And plenty of other people do too. I see nothing wrong with the DVD.

Dude. Eat some cheesecake. It'll calm you down.


Post by GeorgeC » October 29th, 2004, 3:22 pm

Hey Dude,

Why don't you quit it with all the cute remarks and put-downs when you reply to other people?

I see that you rarely post replies to other people's posts that add anything meaningful. You seem to like to put down other people.

You might want to check that sarcasm, kid.

And I don't like being called "dude" anymore than I suspect you like being called "kid."


Post by GeorgeC » October 29th, 2004, 3:27 pm


If you can't read a post by me or anybody else without feeling compelled to write something cute, then don't post a reply.

In fact, don't read my posts at all if they upset you so much!

You had this problem on the LAST boards and I see that this pattern is continuing.

And you've done this to more than just me.

Netiquette cuts both ways. I'm aware of that. Are you, or Christian for that matter?

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Post by Macaluso » October 29th, 2004, 4:29 pm

wtf are you talking about with the christian thing... dude? WHAT does that have to do with ANYTHING?

And I'm going to reply. Deal with it. And I'm not going to change HOW I reply. Deal with that too. It's a free internet, I'll post a reply if I damn well please, especially if I don't agree with whatever your saying THIS time. (And for the record, I did agree with you once, so OWNED IN THE FACE)

And I'm glad you think I'm cute ^_^.

But seriously, I'm gonna speak up when you keep acting like the voice for everyone.


*hands you cheesecake*

I'm so cute :)

And I'm not going to stop saying dude. I say that to everyone. It's the internet, I don't have to be formal with you.

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Post by monkeyboy12 » October 29th, 2004, 7:26 pm

I like the show! :D and I hate cheescake :evil:
Don't look at me,I'm just a coal miner!

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Post by Ben » October 29th, 2004, 9:40 pm

Okay nice.

Macaluso, no-one's asking you to tone down your "style" or attitude, but let's please be considerate to everyone on the boards.

If this thread continues to become more sarcastic, it will be closed.

Abuse is abuse, whatever tone is adopted.

Thanks. :)

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Post by athena » October 30th, 2004, 11:35 pm

GeorgeC wrote:If you can't read a post by me or anybody else without feeling compelled to write something cute, then don't post a reply.
oh good grief.
If you have such a compelling desire to talk to yourself, I suggest investing in a diary.
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Post by GeorgeC » October 31st, 2004, 12:13 am

athena wrote:
oh good grief.
If you have such a compelling desire to talk to yourself, I suggest investing in a diary.

Excuse me? Did you graduate from the college of rude, kid?

Athena, meet Macaluso! I'm sure he can educate you on fine matters of "netiquette."

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Post by athena » October 31st, 2004, 12:52 am

Ben wrote:Okay nice.
Apologies... after I noticed you had already stepped in, I tried to delete my two cents but was unable to.
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Post by Macaluso » October 31st, 2004, 11:32 am

GeorgeC wrote:
athena wrote:
oh good grief.
If you have such a compelling desire to talk to yourself, I suggest investing in a diary.

Excuse me? Did you graduate from the college of rude, kid?

Athena, meet Macaluso! I'm sure he can educate you on fine matters of "netiquette."
Oh man I got told.


Excuse my laughter. That was the lamest insult I've ever heard.
College of rude?

Netiquette? pfft. wha'ever.

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