by Hoagiebot » April 23rd, 2006, 4:57 am
Boy oh boy do these Hollywood types have a very short memory. Doesn't anyone in Hollywood remember that treating a Trek film like a dumbed down total-action movie, like what they tried to do with "Star Trek: Nemesis," is a bad idea? That film bombed at the box ofrfice and for a very good reason. I don't know if that is what Paramount intends to do with this particular Trek film, but it definitely looks like that is the direction they are leaning towards by hiring on an action-movie director such as J.J. Abrams. I am sorry, but I don't want my Trek films looking like "Lost" or "Mission Impossible: III."
At the same time, I am not exactly sure if I am thrilled that they are going back in time to see Kirk and Spock's early life either. I love Kirk and Spock, but this is yet another prime example of Hollywood's current trend of being as completely uncreative as possible again. How about something new for a change? I would be up to trying a new crew and a new ship in a new situation. Give Wesley Crusher a ship. That could possibly prove to be interesting, right? At least it would be different!
Another reason why I am not really all that thrilled that they are messing with Kirk and Spock's younger lives is because after that Star Trek: Nemesis fiasco, I don't know if I can trust any of today's Hollywood writers to develop a good story anymore. I would like to hope that a very creative and inventive screenplay will be written for this film, but I unfortunately have the feeling that this will turn out to be another hack-job that will only be trying to make money off of the Star Trek name.
To be fair, Star Trek movies must be extremely hard to write for because the Star Trek fandom consists of everything from technical detail-spewing nerds to real NASA rocket scientists and top-notch physicists. Therefore, you have to find a balance between high adrenaline action and cerebral science and philosophy in Star Trek films. If you go too cerebral, you get a real snoozer like 1979's Star Trek: The Motion Picture. If you go too far over to the action side you get disasters such as Star Trek: Nemesis. As far as I am concerned, the person who balanced both action and intelligence better than any other was the director of both Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Nicholas Meyer. I mean, almost every Trek fan will agree that both Star Trek II and Star Trek IV rocked, and were at least two of best films if not the two best films!
With that in mind, all I can ask is why, WHY are they having this film directed by a director with no experience with Star Trek such as J.J. Abrams, and not doing whatever it takes to bring on board the master director of Trek films, Nicholas Meyer? I don't know what Meyer is up to these days, but everyone has their price so why don't they just pay his and get him involved with this film? That would at least give me a glimmer of hope that this film could tun out to be worth seeing in this vapid wasteland that we know of as Hollywood entertainment?
There's a 68.71% chance that I'm right.
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