DreamWorks' SHREK

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Re: DreamWorks' SHREK

Post by Ben » February 28th, 2025, 5:56 am

It’s okay. We can say damn, god and hell here…they’re just words. ;)

I was only kind of "surprised" since none of those are considered curse or swear words here at all, and haven’t been for years, but you yanks are a little bit funny with your darns and dangs and hecks and such, and damn seems to be the final one of these that still doesn’t get a lot of airing that I was surprised it got such a "showcase" there in that moment, specifically in a family movie trailer.

I donut see that they’ll have a non-damn version: Shrek has always been on the adult side of family comedy, and that word is part of the joke there that anything else would just soften it and miss the point. Now if it was a stronger word, then yeah, there are still a few if those, but my reaction was more based on "ah, interesting that this seems acceptable now in family entertainment" and/or a further reduction in general standards…

;) :( ;)

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