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Post by eddievalient » December 11th, 2009, 2:26 pm

One more thing about Beauty and the Beast: I really think it was a good idea for them to put "Human Again" back in, cause IMO, it turned out to be the best song in the movie. If only I could've seen it on Imax...
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Post by Ben » December 11th, 2009, 3:10 pm

Y'know, it's just such a spillage of babbling that I've given up reading Eric's rude and ranting rambles and just scan them for any offensive language. Did he really make <I>any</I> kind of point in that mess of a structured post above?

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Post by estefan » December 11th, 2009, 6:06 pm

If when I disagree with him (and I do disagree with Beauty & the Beast and The Lion King being bad films), he does write very entertaining posts. Somebody should seriously consider giving him a blog ala Jim Hill.

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Post by Locall » December 11th, 2009, 7:47 pm

I'm getting a bit annoyed by EricJ tbh... I love BatB, I love the story, characters, animation and music!! :D We know you don't like it, but to post your negative comments all over a topic which isn't even about BatB seems a bit irrelevant to me,

So back on topic, can't wait to see some new artwork for Snow Queen, and is it common they are using the old artwork aswell once the project has been on the shelf?

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Post by estefan » December 11th, 2009, 9:14 pm

Well, it's entirely possible. Clements and Musker were heavily inspired by Walt Disney's original concept art for The Little Mermaid when they adapted it, for example.

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Post by mippa » December 12th, 2009, 1:20 pm

I don't know if I would count Rapunzel, simply because it's CGI, not traditional...if that makes any sense. Not that I'm any less excited about it!

The design of the Snow Queen looks utterly gorgeous, and I'm hoping it will be a musical like PatF was.

If there was one thing missing from the previous Disney films, it was music!

Can't say I'm thrilled about Pooh though. =/ I've never been a Pooh fan, and I frankly feel as though they've milked that cash cow to death...

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Post by Bill1978 » December 12th, 2009, 10:57 pm

Cute romantic story, and the movie gets the credit for it even if they destroyed the spirit of the original by trying to liberate the heroine"
Finally EricJ reveals why he dislikes BatB so much, not so much for all the 'overpraise' it got but because the story was changed too much for his liking. Just for the record I'm one of those brainwashed people who adore BatB, in fact I rank it as my favourite movie of all time. And it has nothing to do with the awards it got or the critic love. I enjoy the film for it's story, characterisation, humour, music, songs that are truly musical, the romance. The first time I saw it I remember catching myself at the end thinking 'Man that felt like a live action movie, I forgot it was animated'. I was even on the edge of my seat wondering if Belle could save Beast.

The only time I ever throw out the Best Picture Nomination is when people try to convince me that The Lion King is the pinnacle of animated movies. I remember watching that after all the hype and walking away saying 'That's it? That's what everybody is madly in love with?'

Regarding The Snow Queen, I'm glad it's finally getting made, I just hope that the directors encourage Alan Menken to write true musical songs. I would love to see another movie like BatB where songs are sang by multiple characters and background people chime in. I think the standard of songs today are lazy with just one person singing. For all the crap EricJ dumps on Kirk & Gary I think they managed to get the best Menken songs out of him with BatB and tHoND, it's like those two guys know Broadway.

I'm not overally familiar with The Snow Queen story, I've seen a TV Movie or was in a TV miniseries about her and I remember thinking that this has all the necessary ingredients for a Disney musical. But I won't start thinking about this one until after Rapunzel and it feels like I've been waiting forever for that movie to appear.

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Post by Bill1978 » December 12th, 2009, 10:59 pm

Cute romantic story, and the movie gets the credit for it even if they destroyed the spirit of the original by trying to liberate the heroine"
Finally EricJ reveals why he dislikes BatB so much, not so much for all the 'overpraise' it got but because the story was changed too much for his liking. Just for the record I'm one of those brainwashed people who adore BatB, in fact I rank it as my favourite movie of all time. And it has nothing to do with the awards it got or the critic love. I enjoy the film for it's story, characterisation, humour, music, songs that are truly musical, the romance. The first time I saw it I remember catching myself at the end thinking 'Man that felt like a live action movie, I forgot it was animated'. I was even on the edge of my seat wondering if Belle could save Beast.

The only time I ever throw out the Best Picture Nomination is when people try to convince me that The Lion King is the pinnacle of animated movies. I remember watching that after all the hype and walking away saying 'That's it? That's what everybody is madly in love with?'

Regarding The Snow Queen, I'm glad it's finally getting made, I just hope that the directors encourage Alan Menken to write true musical songs. I would love to see another movie like BatB where songs are sang by multiple characters and background people chime in. I think the standard of songs today are lazy with just one person singing. For all the crap EricJ dumps on Kirk & Gary I think they managed to get the best Menken songs out of him with BatB and tHoND, it's like those two guys know Broadway.

I'm not overally familiar with The Snow Queen story, I've seen a TV Movie or was in a TV miniseries about her and I remember thinking that this has all the necessary ingredients for a Disney musical. But I won't start thinking about this one until after Rapunzel and it feels like I've been waiting forever for that movie to appear.

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Post by Rosengeist » December 13th, 2009, 2:49 pm

Yeah I didn't count Rapunzel in there simply because I feel that that's something that may go off on it's own entirely and try something, if not narration wise unique, than at least art-wise unique for a Disney film. I really meant to talk more about the traditional films that Disney will be releasing. Rapunzel will probably fall into the Disney cannon story wise, but not art and technology wise. (not that art and technology make a film, but i have a feeling that it will kind of open up a new venue for Disney artists)

To Bill1978 Yeah! Me too! It's my faveorite animated film for many of the same reasons as yours. I would also like to add though, that, to me, this is one of the films that uses animation to it's fullest capacities. Even if the technology were to improve to the point that the Beast could be done convincingly in CGI, I think there are so many elements, like the household servants, and the exageration you see in the castle architecture that...quite frankly would almost be creepy in live action. I also don't feel like it would capture the lushness or the wonderful design elements of the character and background work.

I'm always amazed to how nearly every transformation in animated films that came after it seems to owe a debt to the Beasts transformation. None of them though, for my money, have managed to be as thrilling, moving, or profound as those few minutes of Glen Keane's work.

Anyway, getting away from Beauty and the Beast and back the The Snow Queen, if you would like you can check out the original Andersen tale here - http://www.online-literature.com/hans_c ... ersen/972/

For as long as the story is, I still feel like it can be nicely compacted into a feature length film, as this short Russian animated feature from the late 1950's shows, you can easily include most of the story elements without rushing things or eliminating too much. As an animation side-note, I have often heard this film had a strong influence on Miyazaki, it's quite well done (not that Disney should copy this structure in anyway, or even let themselves be influenced by it, just wanted to point out that it does lend itself quite well to animation.) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K89VNoY ... FC&index=0

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Post by cyberbat » December 20th, 2009, 12:19 pm

I love the story of the snow queen! I really should read/listen to it again as it has been many, many years since I have heard it. (I love unabridged audio tapes).

From what I can remember the queen forced a kye (sp?) to spell out the word 'eternity' in ice on the floor. If he got them he could 'supposably leave'.

I once saw a movie based on this lovely story (where most of the following info is coming from) . And in the beginning it told of a group of devils that found a mirror that showed 'evil' reflections of people. They wanted to look at the angels with it. Something happened and it dropped, sending many shards of mirror to the world.

One of these entered kye's eye and turned his heart to ice. He was found by the snow queen and his sister Gerda went on an adventure to get him back. On here adventure she meets a troupe of gypsy thieves and enters a garden full of talking flowers.....

simple and PERFECT for a Disney movie.Can you imagine the lovely artwork they could do with all the snow?

I hope they go through with this and I will look forward to it. In my mind Disney equals cell animated movies. I never really liked any of their cgi movies (with the exception of Dinosaur)

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Post by Foxtale » February 12th, 2010, 10:52 pm

Link posted by Shy Violet in the Rapunzel thread.

http://animationguildblog.blogspot.com/ ... g-diz.html

"Up on the second floor, the animators are "resigned" to the reality that Snow Queen, has been shelved. As one of them noted: "There's now maybe going to be a long gap between hand-drawn projects, but they're going to work to come up with another project to replace Queen, we'll see what happens.'"

I wonder why they decided to shelve it for now?

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Post by Meg » February 13th, 2010, 5:44 pm

According to Floyd Norman's comment on the above article, Pixar's Newt is apparently dead as well. That's a real shame...I was really interested in that project. Perhaps the whole amphibian love theme the film featured was too similar to that of PatF's? In any case I'm sad to hear the movie has been canned.

I also really, really hope what I've been hearing about Monsters Inc. 2 being released instead isn't true - I'm already disappointed enough with Pixar for going ahead with Cars 2, and I certainly don't want three sequels in a row from the studio when their original films are so good.

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Re: Snow Queen

Post by Bill1978 » February 13th, 2010, 8:41 pm

It does sound like Pixar is running out of their innovative original stories. All these sequels (and from a business point of view I understand why they are made) and the movie based on a book (The Bear And The Bow). I was somewhat interested in seeing Newt based upon the basis plot sypnosis given so it's sad it's been canned. But it is nice to know that not everything at Pixar is gold.

I'm more upset about The Snow Queen getting tossed though. I think it would have looked beautiful in the hand drawn medium and it would have given Alan Menken some great material to work with for the songs. Who knows maybe if Rapunzel's Tangled Theif in The Hidden Tower is a hit and the music is a breakout star, they may re-greenlight the project when it appears the public do like fairytale musicals.

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Re: Snow Queen

Post by EricJ » February 13th, 2010, 9:11 pm

Bill1978 wrote:It does sound like Pixar is running out of their innovative original stories. All these sequels (and from a business point of view I understand why they are made)
Oh, good--Then you already KNOW that Cars 2 was greenlit by Iger, because the studio wanted to defensively rally about how good and popularly supported a film it was despite all the hysterical media dogpiling at the time about the first movie not making "enough"...
And I don't have to remind anybody that Monsters 2 was the other "fake" sequel that Circle 7 was threatening to make, and that Pixar wanted to give it the same treatment as TS3, to make sure the project was dispatched with honor.
Who knows maybe if Rapunzel's Tangled Theif in The Hidden Tower is a hit and the music is a breakout star, they may re-greenlight the project when it appears the public do like fairytale musicals.
And releasing RTTitHT at Thanksgiving--
So hopefully they WON'T try that "Exclusive NY/LA" stunt again and rob the movie of its valuable Thanksgiving business (which was the only hope PATF had until Christmas), and let the movie make the reasonably good Thanksgiving wide business that "Enchanted" got...
Seeing as how that was the whole point of the title change in the first place. :roll:

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Post by estefan » February 14th, 2010, 9:51 am

On the plus side, at least Disney is blaming the "princess" in the title on the fact that it's grosses didn't meet their massively high expectations rather than the film being hand-drawn.

However, I'm blaming the fact that Princess and the Frog didn't make 200 million domestically on FOX for pushing Alvin and the Chipmunks back to December and audiences these days are stupid. Plus, audiences have lost some faith in Disney after a full decade of hit-or-miss projects.

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