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Post by Once Upon A Dream » April 27th, 2008, 10:11 am

Yeah,thought the films all the characters are cute :D but I guess the outtakes are old fashion,I disagreed with people who were disappointed when Finding Nemo didn't had outtakes.
I"m sure they will make them for Toy Story 3 :D.

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Post by Josh » May 1st, 2008, 2:22 am

Have you guys seen this advertisement? It is part of San Francisco’s MUNI Fast Rail public transit system.


The full picture may be viewed here

And on a side note, I want one of these.

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Post by Meg » May 1st, 2008, 7:02 am

Yes, I did see that, and thought it was pretty clever. :)

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Post by Foxtale » May 1st, 2008, 11:34 am

Wow interesting way of advertising.

Oh man a "real" Wall-E, that would be so neat if they made them. I am sure a bunch of people would buy it even if it was expensive.

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Post by Ben » May 2nd, 2008, 6:52 am

Nearly $200. But who didn't see that coming? Should come with a rinky-dinky Blu-Ray player inside and a copy of the movie, at the time of its home video release!! ;)

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » May 2nd, 2008, 8:44 am

I"ll call him Squishy and he"ll be my Squishy :D.

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Post by vveksuvarna » May 2nd, 2008, 9:50 pm

i read this somewhere, dont remm where, will post the link if i find it...

but the fact is

wall-e is officially the no1 anti-depressant in america.

haha..howz that..


I myself am kinda tired of watching CGI movies,no offence.

Post by TheManWaltDisneyandMickyM » May 4th, 2008, 9:04 pm

Im just not really up to seeing this latest Pixar animated movie Wall-E,let alone any other CGI movie,from this point,Ratatouille (I hope I spelled that right :oops:) was it for me an CGI movies, it has lossed its audiance atleast with me ; its ashame that people our all out to make Only CGI movies more now an days, with no present traditional animation movie in sight now since 2004.

Also to be honest I cant say I agree with certain things going on at WDA ether,also the one thing that really gets to me more than anything is,how certain people only want Disney to make the fairytales and animated features, and that Pixar can only make Cgi movies right,perfect,ect.
and when others try to make there own, they say their not as good,or
copy cats,wanna bes trying to be like Disney/Pixar.

sorry for getting off topic there A bit, but I had to say how I felt things,while it was on my mind and heart.

well now back to getting on topic,about Wall-E im going to have to pass on this one people, like I said earlier im singing out on all CGI,the flame of Anger towards to much CGI has got me,and now I Apathize,Hate it dearly,let's just leave it at that,nothing will make me love CGI again,no offence on Pixar, ect. CGI lovers,it is just how I feel about it now.

- Sincerely with love,peace,understanding - AUCZKJA

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Post by CGIFanatic » May 9th, 2008, 11:06 am

Here are more cool stills of the movie.


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Post by CGIFanatic » May 16th, 2008, 10:41 pm

Here is a video of an actual full functioning version of Wall-E.


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Post by Remy » May 19th, 2008, 12:20 am

Only one month and 9 days till it's out! I can wait! :D

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Post by droosan » May 19th, 2008, 2:23 am

Got my ticket earlier this week for the very first midnight screening at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood .. the balcony was already 'sold out' (!), but I managed to snag a good central seat on the orchestra level.

So, I'll be among the first audiences to see it (on the west coast, at least) .. 8)

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Post by Whippet Angel » May 19th, 2008, 12:56 pm

Wish I lived near Burbank. :wink:

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Post by Dusterian » May 19th, 2008, 4:54 pm

Wow CGIFanatic, that real-life Wall-E was really something! It moves so well and looks exactly like the one in the movie! They did a fantastic job, it's perfect! I still don't like how he seems like a geek, evident in his giggle after saying Eve's name. And extra confirmation he's a he who loves the she Eve.

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Post by CGIFanatic » May 20th, 2008, 9:46 am

Yeah Dusterian it sure does look real cute and all. I'd love to be able to buy one of these (but smaller) for my nieces and nephews.

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