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Post by droosan » February 27th, 2007, 1:40 pm

I didn't have a problem with any of the actors in Superman Returns .. I think all the characters were played quite well. I especially enjoyed Parker Posey (though I couldn't figure out why they didn't just call her "Miss Tessmacher") .. :P

It was the plot and story which bothered the heck out of me .. especially the many sequences 'mirroring' scenes from Richard Donner's film, and the numerous bits of 'line-dropping' from S:TM and S II. Not to mention Superman using his powers to stalk/spy on Lois .. :shock:

I doubt I'd bother seeing the next one, with Singer in charge .. :roll: And pretty much only because of that; bring back all the same actors, but with a different director and an original script (preferably with Brainiac as the villain), and I'd definitely give it a go!

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Post by ShyViolet » February 27th, 2007, 11:02 pm

I didn't have a problem with any of the actors in Superman Returns .. I think all the characters were played quite well.
Even Jimmy Olsen? :roll: He was like Jar-Jar 2.0! :twisted:
And pretty much only because of that; bring back all the same actors, but with a different director and an original script (preferably with Brainiac as the villain), and I'd definitely give it a go!
Yes, Braniac as a villain would RULE!!!!

(Bizarro would be neat too.:wink:)

Routh is the only one I think fit his role. And with Singer's directing/story in the way that's a pretty big feat, if you think about it. :wink:


Glad you like my Jimmy Olsen choice Ben! :)

Here's Jessie today: :)


He'd still be a great Jimmy, I think. :wink:

As to Perry White, I can't really think of anyone else "famous" except for Paul Sorvino or Judd Hirsch, both of whom are the wrong "type" and maybe too old as well. I guess an unknown might be better.....:?

Also, Ben thought that "bald Jack" at the Oscars the other night would make a great Lex Luthor! I think so too! :wink:

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Post by ShyViolet » February 27th, 2007, 11:18 pm

I especially enjoyed Parker Posey (though I couldn't figure out why they didn't just call her "Miss Tessmacher") .. Razz
Yeah, I liked Parker Posey too! :) :) Other than Routh, she was the only one who really seemed to "fit" the Superman world. The others all stood out like a sore thumb....:(

For Perry White, what about Albert Finney from Erin Brockovich?


I'd like them to go back to first choice Hugh (House) Laurie with white hair. Awesome!
Oh wait, so what happened to him? Why'd he leave?

Yeah, Frank Langella was totally wrong.....:( IMO Well he looked the part, just didn't act it. :roll:

Also, I've never seen THIS poster before, apparently one of the early ones. Have any of you guys?


Maybe they could use if for The Man of Steel! :)
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Post by Josh » February 27th, 2007, 11:37 pm

ShyViolet wrote:Oh wait, so what happened to him? Why'd he leave?
Hugh Laurie had a scheduling conflict, due to his starring in the the Bryan Singer-produced House M.D.

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Post by ShyViolet » February 27th, 2007, 11:53 pm

Oh, I see. Thanks Josh! :)

Albert Finney would own, IMHO. :wink:
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Post by Josh » February 28th, 2007, 1:16 am

ShyViolet wrote:Oh, I see. Thanks Josh! :)
You're welcome, Vi! :)

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Post by Ben » February 28th, 2007, 12:22 pm

That poster, from what I remember, was a fake, made up with an iconic image from the comic books (that Superman is the animated one).

See...even that one quite nice moment in the movie was Singer-ripped from another person's creativity... :roll:

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Post by ShyViolet » February 28th, 2007, 9:08 pm

That poster, from what I remember, was a fake, made up with an iconic image from the comic books (that Superman is the animated one).

See...even that one quite nice moment in the movie was Singer-ripped from another person's creativity...
Oh wow, you're right, it's all coming back to me now...I remember that poster! I knew I'd seen it somewhere....(yeah, no way would they have used cheap lettering like that on a real poster.)

Yeah, I knew that "sillouete superman" looked way too cartoon-beefy to be Routh! :P

And you're right Ben, there was a scene like this in the film, and this poster came out like what, a year and half before the film was released????? :shock:

Also about Bryan ripping stuff off; if you ever watched the very popular X-Men: The Animated Series from the 1990s (I was a hard core fan then) you'll be amazed at how much material Bryan ripped from this highly original show (characterization, storylines, themes) and incorporated into X1 and X2, but particularly X1. And I know for a fact that rather than checking out the comics, he just sat down and watched all five seasons of the cartoon.
Wonder what the cartoon's writers think of this....:roll:

X2 as well, but not as much as X1. X2 is much more into that whole gay/mutant parable. (Not trying to trash Bryan or his orientation, just saying that ANYONE could recognize the comparisons Bryan was making there, which of course wasn't really seen in the cartoon.)

But all in all, despite still liking both X1 and X2, I'd say about at least 70-80% of the best stuff in those films came from The Animated Series! :?
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Post by ShyViolet » March 1st, 2007, 3:03 am

I think that other Anne Hathaway pic was copyrighted or something, so here's one from Yahoo that should be O.K.:

Here's Anne from the Brokeback premiere. Yes, she would be a great Lois Lane. :)


Hope someone from Warners is reading this!! :?

There's some Margot Kidder there, some Teri Hatcher, but she's also got a charm all her own. :wink:


Plus this is a really cool action figure of the Fleischer Lois (bet it's like hundreds of dollars) Definetely reminds me more of Hathaway than Bosworth. :?
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Post by Josh » March 1st, 2007, 3:18 am

I think Hathaway's Devil Wears Prada co-star, Emily Blunt, would make a good Lois.

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Post by Ben » March 1st, 2007, 10:25 am

ShyViolet wrote:Here's Anne from the Brokeback premiere. Yes, she would be a great Lois Lane. :)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.......... ;)

BTW, that poster was a rip-off already, from some art done for a comic book by (I <I>think</I>) Alex Ross as far back as the late 1990s!

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Post by ShyViolet » March 1st, 2007, 5:52 pm

Oh yeah Alex Ross.....I remember him doing these one-shot X-Men posters in the mid-90s......great artist. :)

Hey Ben, do you think Albert Finney would be good Perry? :)


Here's Routh. He'd look GREAT with Hathaway...


(Except...well....he's got to work on being more intimidating and beefing himself up a little more because if Lois is played the way she should be played, by who should be play her, Routh could end up looking way too "wimpy"! :wink: Maybe that's why they gave him a tiny co-star like Bosworth?)

He needs to age a little too...well Man of Steel's still got two and a half years to go, so hopefully....:wink:

Also, this pic's funny, don't totally agree with it but.....:wink:

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Post by Ben » March 1st, 2007, 6:19 pm

I'd have actually loved for them to spin Smallville off into the movies, but dovetail it into the Chris Reeve canon. I don't think Welling would have been too bad at all. My hope with that is that they do a follow-up series called "Metropolis" which could deal with morphing the way the characters are in Smallville into the beginnings of what we know of their later, adult lives.

Routh needs to smile more, and he would be great. Finney would make a good Perry White, yep!

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Post by ShyViolet » March 2nd, 2007, 5:22 am

I loved Kevin Smith's opining on SR:
"OK, my kid has Superman's powers...when did I f*** Superman??!"


I mean, for all she knew, the kid could have been General Zod's or something....:roll: Or some other Kryptonian...:?

:wink: :roll:

I don't know if anyone ever watched Lois and Clark, (which I know isn't "canon" or whatever, but...

this very issue was dealt with in an episode where a woman comes foward and says she gave birth to Superman's "love child"--but she's just some woman Clark never even meant. However, apparently her (five year old son :?) does indeed have Superman's powers. Soooooooo....Clark/Superman is indeed in a quandry here, although Lois does believe him when he says he never had relations with that woman.

In the end it turned out that apparently the sun reflected off of Superman (the sun is how he gets his power) and somehow tranferred his powers into this woman's baby. Doesn't get very specific, but I thought it was an interesting idea.

So, if you take that as canon, if I were I Lois Lane in SR and didn't remember how I had that one night with Supes, I'd get a paternity test pronto!! :roll: :? :lol:

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Post by Ben » March 2nd, 2007, 8:01 am

The whole thing is stupid.

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