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Post by Ben » March 1st, 2008, 2:40 pm

So far, I wouldn't have even said "sad". I'd have said "wistful", emoting something far more powerful than just being "sad".

And, so far, that's all they've wanted us to see. They need an emotional pull for the audience to go and see the thing in the first place.

And how better to do that then create sympathy...? :)

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Pixar's Wall-E

Post by Dusterian » March 2nd, 2008, 12:15 pm

Thanks Meg, I suppose that attachment got broken off somehow or he's a defective one.

However, I do not have sympathy for this always sad robot. I find him annoying and uncute. The robots actually look cuter with the attachment and no particular expression. Yea, maybe they don't need to be cute, but his constantly sloped eyes bug me, and makes me want to see the movie less. Yes, that's right, how he looks makes me want to see this less. Thank goodness it's not just about a sad robot. And I don't think of him as wistful, because, well, he's a robot, and no one looks wistful all the time, as they're surprised by a cockroach or a spaceship. Why does he need to look wistful as he replaces the "R" in Pixar or suck up a cockroach in a vacuum? Also his eyes look like they're magnified by bifocal glasses and it reminds me of the nerd stereotype which is so unfitting for a robot who doesn't know what a bra is.

But apparently I am the only one bothered by this. Woe is me as the minority. I just do not like this character. However, the story sounds awesome.

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » March 2nd, 2008, 1:16 pm

Neat poster :D.
The promo video was on the Ratatouille video game.

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Post by Remy » March 3rd, 2008, 11:27 pm

Sweet poster! :)

I can't wait for this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by vveksuvarna » March 7th, 2008, 1:17 am

well...i have been following this community for a loong time...& have finally taken the pain for my lazy ass to wake up & participate...

& i was on eof the lucky few...who have visited PIXAR & met with andrew stanton...

i even have his autograph....i ll upload it for u guys if anyone is interested...

its even got a cute lil wall-e on it...

& yes andrew confirmed himself....toystory 3 will be in 3D

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Post by vveksuvarna » March 11th, 2008, 10:58 pm

comingsoon.net announced the new wall-e trailer is gonna release today at 8.00pm PST...which is in a few mins...

the release can be found at both apple trailers & the official disney site....

i just hope this is true...

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Post by CGIFanatic » March 12th, 2008, 12:32 am

You're right vveksuvarna, it just came out.


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Post by Kaszubas » March 12th, 2008, 6:49 am

Direct link to fullHD:

http://movies.apple.com/movies/disney/w ... _1080p.mov

Plenty of new footage :) (some human being shown finally)

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Post by Meg » March 12th, 2008, 7:09 am

Can't wait to watch it! :D

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Post by droosan » March 12th, 2008, 7:48 am

It's been over a year since I've touched this thread (since I like to know as little as possible about a film, before I see it) .. but I simply had to comment on the new trailer, which I've just seen.

It is astounding. :shock:
From the moment I first saw the opening titles for Toy Story 2, I've hoped that Pixar would eventually set a movie in outer space .. and this small taste of Wall-E is more than I could've hoped for! I love the 'EPCOT-like' 80's-esque designs for EVE and the AXIOM spaceship interiors .. and the shot of WALL-E actually touching Saturn's rings brought a lump to my throat.
June cannot get here soon enough! :?

That's all I came here to say; you won't see me back in this thread, till the movie's actually in theaters ..


(addendum): whooo .. 400 posts! 8)

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Post by Ben » March 12th, 2008, 9:39 am

Yes, yes, yes!

Take all my comments from the last trailer we saw and amplify them. I really hope this is as good as it all looks and sounds, and that if so, it's a justifiably <I>huge</I> hit for Pixar.

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Post by Kaszubas » March 12th, 2008, 10:26 am

I like this trailer, it's beautiful (especially this glorious 1080p version ;) ) but isn't it a little too much action packed ? Too crowded? I bet japanese one will be much more mysterious, slower paced and emotionally touching than this one ;) At least I hope so..

ps. Have You noticed that Wall-E takes off his caterpillar tracks while at home/container ? Just like they're his shoes or something :) Nice touch :)

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Post by Meg » March 12th, 2008, 2:42 pm



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Pixar's Wall-E

Post by Dusterian » March 12th, 2008, 11:16 pm

Kaszubas wrote:isn't it a little too much action packed ? Too crowded? I bet japanese one will be much more mysterious, slower paced and emotionally touching than this one ;) At least I hope so..
Yea, me too. This trailer didn't do it for me. It's been overused in films now, when something really painful or a lot of bad happens to a character, they moan or groan or say "I'm okay" and it's supposed to be funny (because it's a small noise made after all the loud big bad things happen). I've become too tired of it to get a smile from the little trash compacter making a little noise after being slammed into the glass by shopping carts. And his little "woah" was cute the first time, but it felt like they were trying to make me laugh at the same joke in the same trailer when he fell from the doors and said "woah" again. Something about this trailer seems...it's just not telling the story right. The wrong clips or the wrong order or the wrong speed, I don't know.

And why does the robot he holds hands with have to sound feminine? Why can't they just be robots who feel connected because they're both robots? I suppose Pixar has to gender everything, and make sure if two things are together they're opposite genders. LAME.

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Post by Dacey » March 13th, 2008, 5:27 pm

That was an awesome trailer. I can't wait to see the movie now.
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