ShyViolet wrote:Ha ha...that's hysterical.

Your telling me!
ShyViolet wrote:Maybe I will! I love McD's, I have to admit. it the Happy Meal or do you have to pay for it separately?

Have to admit, again? That's more than love, methinks.
Anyway, the two times I've gone, they said you have to buy something, to be able to purchase the cups. I always end up getting something regardless, so its real no hassle for me. The toys are cute, though, so I would just buy the Happy Meal. Your choice.
By the way, got Shrek today!
droosan wrote:ShyViolet regardless, will like it because its DW, likewise
Daniel will love it, because its a sequel!

Your laughing because its true, huh?
Nice review, droo! You've calmed a few of my worries, and it does sound very good.
ShyViolet wrote:Wow, Dan, you can predict the future too! (Just like Ben.


Oh, you!