Rise of the Guardians

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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by ShyViolet » March 14th, 2013, 5:52 pm

I've been thinking a lot about why this movie didn't do well and can't help but surmise that it wasn't only the story problems (I thought the story was great but it had kind of a start-stop quality: sometimes it dragged, other times it was too manic) but the actual 3d. I think many take for granted that 3d either helps a film do better or doesn't help it at all, but in this case (and quite likely many other cases) I think the 3d actually hurt this film.

There was just way too many things flying out at you and way too much detail to process. In 2d you can ignore this or at least overlook it but with 3d you're constantly being assaulted by images; all I wanted to do at some points was just to take the darn glasses off. The image itself was also way too dark which is very bad for a movie that takes place largely at night, as Guardians does. IMHO, 3d hurt this film. How can you possibly experience both the exciting thrills of a movie plus the warmer, more intimate moments when you've got every little detail of a very aesthetically detailed film coming at you?

My point: Hollywood has GOT to rethink 3d. It does not take you into a film, it takes you right out. IMO, we just don't need it and to think otherwise is just shooting yourself in the foot. Maybe this sounds a little extreme, but I really believe it's so. Guardians may not have hit it big with 2d, but at least it wouldn't have bombed.
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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by Ben » March 14th, 2013, 7:41 pm

We must also remember, though, Vi, that Guardians was also offered in a flat version too, so audiences could have made that decision not to see it in 3D. I wonder what the percentages were against which version attracted more viewers?

I'm looking forward to seeing this: just ordered the BD, but not the 3D edition not only because the pricing puts it over my import allowance for the UK but because I did hear about the effect not adding to the movie and it being over dark, the main thing I don't like about the format.

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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by LotsoA113 » March 14th, 2013, 8:19 pm

Having seen it in 3D, I can say that lack of brightness isn't much of a factor here, and it did have some neat moments in 3D. It's not as good as say, Oz or Madagascar 3 in the format, but still neat seeing it in the format.

I think you said it perfectly though, the pace was just all over the place. My attention wandered in certain scenes, solely because it felt like there was an amazingly large lack of focus throughout. Pity, as plenty of great stuff made the atrocious slow scenes feel even worse!

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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by Dacey » March 14th, 2013, 10:34 pm

I actually thought the 3-D on Guardians was terrific. Gave the film a very "dreamlike" quality. I only wish I could've seen it on a bigger screen than I did. If you're not going to notice the 3-D, then what's the point in having it in the first place? :)
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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by ShyViolet » March 15th, 2013, 12:17 pm

True Dacey...the thing is I just don't feel that we need it in the first place. JK has said that 3d is the future because it's how we see but the truth is that I would rather use my imagination as an immersive tool rather than be swamped by (often inferior) technology that costs too much and gives me a headache. It's just how I feel and I hope Hollywood comes to understand how superfluous this feature is to many people. Films should be a shared experience and the glasses really cut you off from the rest of the audience. If you think about it that's actually not too different than watching a movie by yourself.

On Guardians being available in 2d, the strange thing is that for some reason my theater offers far less showtimes in 2d than in 3d. I don't know if it's like that everywhere but because the 2d showtimes for WIR and ROTG both only played in the morning I was forced to buy a 3d ticket.
I also feel that not everyone really thinks through whether a film is better in 2d or 3d and often simply buys a 3d ticket because it's what their kids want or the showtime works for them. I know it's impossable to know what would have happened had this film only been available in 2d, but IMO and with respect it could have evoked an even more dreamlike feel with 2d, since our imaginations would have been doing the work, not the glasses.
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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by Dacey » March 15th, 2013, 5:33 pm

But on the other side of that...I find that audiences actually react more if they are all enjoying a solid 3-D experience together (ie, reaching out for the screen, gasping in delight). Not that I can speak from experience on Guardians. I actually did watch that movie alone. ;)

The real enemy of Guardians was competition, with even Life of Pi more or less stealing its thunder. Add to that opening only five days after the final Twilight film (teenage/college girls actually do go to animated movies a lot), plus Ralph and Skyfall both still doing solid business, and things just weren't working in this one's favor.

Having said all of that...it did still cross the $100 million mark, which in my book hardly makes it a "bomb." I'm aware that DreamWorks used the film as an excuse...er, I mean reason to lay off a bunch of people, but I take that with a grain of salt myself. That's like Eisner saying there wouldn't be any more 2D movies after Treasure Planet flopped (even though they were planning on starting CGI movies after Home on the Range regardless).
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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by ShyViolet » March 15th, 2013, 6:12 pm

I somewhat agree that 3d has the potential on very specific projects (like a science fiction film) to impress...when I first saw Avatar I definitely responded to it, at least in the beginning, but by the final battle I was just like "meh." For me that's what 3d is like: really cool during the first five minutes and then it's just like "Oh, ok." What brings people together is really the emotional catharsis of film, and then after that the thrill ride moments. I loved the falling flowers/butterflies scene in Avatar, but even the cool effect of having them fall on me didn't make me feel closer to the rest of the audience. Again, that's just me.

On Guardians: I definitely don't believe that 3d was the film's only problem: like I said sometimes it dragged and sometimes things just happened too quickly. The little kids (particularly the little blonde girl) should have been better developed and given a greater place in the film. But the 3d was a constant irritation that really hampered the film's overall experience, at least IMHO. I know that DreamWorks is reevaluating a lot of things right now and I think one thing they should question is whether their past films barring ROTG have been successful because of 3d, or in spite of it. I think other studios should ask themselves that too.
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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by Dacey » March 17th, 2013, 2:57 pm

Actually I thought that little girl kept bringing the movie down (maybe because she was unintentionally terrifying). But, as I said in my earlier post, my main problems were with the third act, or at least the film's "climax." Still, Guardians was in my book a better movie than Brave--and, dare I say it, even The Pirates!--, but as I also said in my earlier post, it pales when compared to Wreck-It Ralph.
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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by ShyViolet » March 27th, 2013, 3:17 pm

Really happy about Guardians doing well on DVD. Even with all its problems there were some wonderful moments. Hopefully that combined with Croods' box office will help DW survive yet again. :)
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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by Dacey » March 27th, 2013, 4:42 pm

The commentary on Guardians was one of the most uninformative I've ever heard on a DreamWorks Animation title. LITERALLY 90 minutes of the filmmakers going "incredible" about everything that's on screen, and providing almost no backstory/behind the scenes information. Very, very dissapointing track.
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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by ShyViolet » March 28th, 2013, 4:58 pm

That's really a shame...I wonder if there was maybe a lot of behind the scenes conflicts and production problems that they didn't want to get into. :?
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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by Dacey » March 28th, 2013, 6:15 pm

Nah. It honestly just sounded like three first timers who didn't really know how to do a commentary track. ;)
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Re: Rise of the Guardians

Post by ShyViolet » April 30th, 2013, 10:08 pm

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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