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Re: DC Universe

Post by EricJ » February 1st, 2023, 7:36 am

Ben wrote:
February 1st, 2023, 5:49 am
It was the spending of his own money. What’s that about?
Okay, "Play in his own sandbox", choose your own metaphor.
The Suicide Squad *wasn't* a sequel. I’m not even sure what you’d call it, since it wasn’t a hard or even soft reboot either!
It was originally going to be "We need a sequel for our Harley demographic", and at one point, they came up with "Hey, if it's villains, that's our Black Adam intro!", and then threw up their hands and doubled down on the "We want our own Guardians" mode they did with that Bohemian Rhapsody trailer recut for the first movie.
And how do you get Marvel's Guardians, especially when the secret ingredient had been kicked out of Disney?...

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Re: DC Universe

Post by Ben » February 2nd, 2023, 5:06 am

Okay, so this wasn’t clear. No one spends their own money in the movies, so the "metaphor" (not that it was actually a metaphor) didn’t work, but then it wasn’t even his own sandbox at that point either. He was director for hire and used that to get a pretty big foot jammed in that door… Arguably, the Peacemaker series was actually the bigger "get" for him as it allowed him the autonomy to carve out his own mini-DC world and thus suggesting that he be given the larger reigns.

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Re: DC Universe

Post by Bill1978 » February 3rd, 2023, 4:07 am

Daniel wrote:
January 26th, 2023, 12:57 pm
Bill1978 wrote:
December 18th, 2022, 1:54 pm
Let's hope the writers for Doom Patrol and Titans are smart like the writers of Stargirl and write an alternate ending (and the showrunner allows it to be filmed) so that fans can have closure in the event they too get cancelled (which at this stage I think is highly likely based on the madness happening at HBO Max/Discovery).
Yep, both have been canceled. Sounds like they'll at least have proper closure.
Driving to work today, I had a random thought about the show Pennyworth and wondering if it had been cancelled yet, due to the wipe the slate clean approach WB/DC is taking with setting up it's new interconnected entertainment verse. Get home from work, head to the Wikipedia page and discover was cancelled on 1st February - or the day before I had my thought.

https://deadline.com/2023/02/pennyworth ... 235247125/

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Re: DC Universe

Post by Ben » February 3rd, 2023, 4:39 am

Yep, it is no more either. They’ve had their…penny's worth… ;) :roll:

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Re: DC Universe

Post by gaastra » February 3rd, 2023, 8:10 am

So not a full reboot. Shazan actor says he is staying. Gunn more or less said gal is staying as wonder woman. Suicide squad still here with its history. Aquaman 2 takes place post "reboot". So, in other words Batman and superman are rebooted everything else is the same.

So new 52 like reboot. That won't confuse people.

https://screenrant.com/the-flash-movie- ... ames-gunn/

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Re: DC Universe

Post by Randall » February 3rd, 2023, 9:03 am

Things are still very fluid, so we'll see. And given that there is no mention of Shazam or Wonder Woman (aside from a prequel show) in the first phase, there is lots of time for new decisions to be made. And let's see how this year's films perform. Shazam's and Levi's fate may rest with the box office numbers.

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Re: DC Universe

Post by Dacey » February 3rd, 2023, 11:56 am

But for real, why not just keep Henry then?

Seems this is “picking and choosing” in a way that conveniently lets Gunn keep his stuff.
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Re: DC Universe

Post by Ben » February 3rd, 2023, 6:06 pm

Well, yeah, duh, of course! ;)

And any future WW is five years away at a minimum. I can’t see Gal still being Diana by that point…

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Re: DC Universe

Post by gaastra » February 3rd, 2023, 8:00 pm

Things are still very fluid, so we'll see. And given that there is no mention of Shazam or Wonder Woman (aside from a prequel show) in the first phase, there is lots of time for new decisions to be made.
Shazam actor already said he is staying, and Gunn said he was talking with gal about staying and few days later someone asked why gal was let go and he said "she isn't".

So, looks like both are still here.

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Re: DC Universe

Post by Randall » February 4th, 2023, 10:26 am

For now. But I'll be surprised if anything more is done with either of them. They aren't dumped, but they're also not hired - just like Henry. Except, Shazam and Wonder Woman have no further films in development, so the issue hasn't really been pressed yet. By the time new films get greenlit, the studio may be looking for younger actors to take over. It's hard for me to see this as anything more than a line-wide reboot by the time the dust settles. The only thing that gives hope for the older actors is Viola Davis getting her own show; but then, she doesn't need to wear a superhero suit.

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Re: DC Universe

Post by gaastra » February 12th, 2023, 7:08 pm

As nutjob as Ezra is--that was a dang great trailer! Great job there WB.

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Re: DC Universe

Post by Ben » February 12th, 2023, 8:09 pm

Well, unfortunate lack of Panavision widescreen aside, this looks pretty epic, and hopefully a kind of appropriate send-off for the Snyderverse.

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Re: DC Universe

Post by Bill1978 » February 18th, 2023, 4:36 pm

And the suit designed is so much better for running fast than the metallic thing in the other movies. Or did he get a costume update in one of the movies and I forgot?

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Re: DC Universe

Post by Daniel » February 24th, 2023, 2:20 pm

Looks amazing. Hearing Danny Elfman's theme made it for me.

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Re: DC Universe

Post by Ben » February 24th, 2023, 5:28 pm

Yeah, but I’m hoping they keep that in the actual movie!

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