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Post by EricJ » October 22nd, 2011, 6:56 pm

Ben wrote:Okay...well...simply put, although the "old guard" were not directly involved in Oz and Santa, those were products of the evolved Muppet performers (Whitmire as Kermit, etc), so you can't say it was all "new blood".
Just as Glen Keane and Andreas Deja were the "new blood" of Disney Animation once, they had been taught their craft from the "old guard". The past few years of Muppets projects have very much come from the "next generation" of people who were versed in what they do by those that came before that solves that "problem".
WOz, Santa and Very (as well as most of the Disney Channel work) were directed by Kirk Thatcher, who had gotten his job on AVMCS fresh off of his work on......Comedy Central's "Crank Yankers". Clearly a step up, but not exactly versed in bringing warmth to, quote, "wisecracking" puppets.
(In fact, most of the New Blood writing the projects these days seems to remember the Show characters as being "wisecracking", to the utter exclusion of any of Kermit's redeeming sentimental qualities, or the huggy sense that friends would stick by each other, no matter how oddball.)

And it's not just the "nameless insiders", or even "disgruntled Oz", it's EVERYBODY who's got some serious misgivings about the movie, but afraid to speak up and shoot their last remaining Disney gig in the foot.
It's the longtime performers and the new ones. It's the legitimate Muppet writers. It's the company producers, and the executives responsible for the corporate image. It's "one of the last living original performers", unquote, (now that's a depressing thought), who had left for a great many more personal reasons than a "paycheck".
For all the comparisons some fans are making to "Looney Tunes: Back in Action", have to remember that that movie hit theaters the same day as the original restored Golden Collection DVD's hit shelves, and Warner's attempt to bring "new blood" to the icon franchise instantly became a forgettable afterthought. Here, every discussion in favor of Muppets' "new blood" keeps saying "Sure, it's a little unpolished, but we have to keep it alive!" NO. WE. DON'T. Not like this.

In fact, in one post alone, you've set out to singlehandedly discredit and/or demonize every single individual who could possibly have a heretical bad word to say about it.
"Devil's advocate" is one thing, but you're clinging to the idea that this movie will be Good No Matter What with the same raging no-bad-news tenacity that I have in believing that it's the well-earned end of the franchise.
I'm not going to ask whether you have stock in Disney, or some such--or believe that anyone who criticizes Jim's descendants' work criticizes Jim--but in the words of the old detective, you seem to be changing every single fact to fit the theory. Hope is one thing, Fanatical Blind Hope is another.

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Post by Bill1978 » October 23rd, 2011, 6:32 am

As is Fantatical This Is Crap Even Though I Havent Seen the Whole Movie mantra.

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Post by Ben » October 23rd, 2011, 10:32 am


Eric literally didn't read a single thing I said!

I can see this turning into another Rapunzel/Tangled tirade from Mr J, who seems to lose all sense of reason and calm when he flips out.

It really is quite comical. Maybe there's a new Muppet chatacter to be found there. Or is that insulting to Muppets...?


Post by GeorgeC » October 23rd, 2011, 12:21 pm

Whaddya say, Ben?

My eyes literally "whited out" from all the text... That gets real painful doncha know?

Personally, I think the new film stands a good chance of doing well regardless of the quality. Here's hoping they can catch lightning in the bottle again but it's going to be tough. There were problems recapturing the old Muppet spirit even when Jim Henson was still alive.

The most exciting news from the Muppets in years (before the new movie was announced) were the authorized Master Replicas reproductions of the iconic characters. Don't think they got too far with that line, though... They maybe did 3-5 characters before the line ended?!?

Last time I saw Miss Piggy was on one of the Disney Channel shows, "So Random" (which replaced "Sonny With A Chance" after that series' lead, Demi Lovato, had her nervous breakdown and left the series). She was by far the best thing on that show...

P.S. -- Looked it up and Master Replicas did three Muppet releases (Kermit, Animal, and Gonzo). There was a prototype made for Fozzie but the production version never got released. MR lost their license years ago and another company supposedly picked it up...

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Post by EricJ » October 27th, 2011, 1:57 pm

And now, the latest parody trailer, about....the other parody trailers:
"Thank you, Internet, for one year of the wildest viral marketing!"
(For those who worry that the campaign might have been a little too in love with itself--
Uh, helllo (waves hand in front of face)?....MOVIE attached? Like, maybe it's not just about you? Y'know, as in, you don't do a trailer just to thank people for liking you?
"Look, we did Puss in Boots AND Paranormal Activity 3!"...And with this ad, the campaign now officially becomes a Seltzer & Friedberg trailer-gag comedy--Unfortunately, the title "Muppet Movie" was already taken. )

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Re: The NEW Muppet Movie

Post by Dacey » October 27th, 2011, 2:43 pm

Eric, you really need to get that broken record player of your's fixed...
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift--that is why it's called the present."

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Post by Ben » October 27th, 2011, 5:18 pm

Or at least think about turning the disc over for the b-side.

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Re: The NEW Muppet Movie

Post by droosan » November 10th, 2011, 11:35 am

Apparently, there is an underground effort to get the Muppets as hosts for next year's Oscars. :shock:

Disney owns the Muppets, and they own the ABC network .. with the sudden departure of both producer Brett Ratner and host Eddie Murphy, they might have the influence to make this happen.

The Muppets have done 'live' TV events before .. but never anything of this scale. Though, it would likely be just the on-stage 'presentation' that would actually be live; the musical numbers and 'tribute' segments could be pre-recorded.

This could work really well, actually .. if it were presented as essentially an episode of the original Muppet Show, that just happens to be the Academy Awards. :mrgreen:

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Re: The NEW Muppet Movie

Post by EricJ » November 10th, 2011, 12:39 pm

Oh, the Phyllis George episode, you mean? 8)
Seriously, SOMEBODY didn't waste time barging in after Eddie Murphy left, and that's sorta what I'm talking about:
Yes, Ben, we know, "But that's because they're classics and everybody recognizes it!"--That, or Disney's publicists have seriously gone over the edge in trying to promote our zombified nostalgic love for the characters over Jason Segel's bad self-insertion fic, at each and every single opportunity where they can be promoted.
(Yes, thank you Whitney, you can stop with the news updates now... :wink: One article wrote about how the Muppets are "back" in commercials again with a vengeance--Really? "Back"? Before Jim died, I don't recall the Show characters being in any ads, apart from PSA's.)

And much as I remember the real Kermit and Piggy at the '79 Emmys:
it must be said in these last two weeks:
Disney publicists, and volunteer fanboys?: KNOCK IT OFF! We'll go see the danged movie if we feel like it! :P

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Re: The NEW Muppet Movie

Post by droosan » November 10th, 2011, 2:37 pm


I can be cynical, sometimes.

But I could never be that cynical, ALL the time .. :|

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Re: The NEW Muppet Movie

Post by droosan » November 10th, 2011, 6:10 pm

It's all moot, anyway: Billy Crystal has the '2012 Oscar-host' gig, now.

But the idea of a 'Muppet Academy Awards Show' was a fun concept -- despite what EricJ says. :P

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Post by Randall » November 10th, 2011, 7:33 pm

Yes, 'twould have been potentially awesome if done well.

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Post by Ben » November 11th, 2011, 2:48 pm

Basically, Droo, anything is despite what Eric says... :roll:


Re: The NEW Muppet Movie

Post by GeorgeC » November 12th, 2011, 9:07 pm

droosan wrote: But the idea of a 'Muppet Academy Awards Show' was a fun concept ...

At this point in time, Muppet heads would definitely be preferable to the moppet heads that will host the Oscars this year!

30-40 year-old hippie puppets would be preferable to the audio-animotronic figures we call celebrities today...

They definitely get more laughs.

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Post by Ben » November 13th, 2011, 1:11 pm

Haha, good post George! :)

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