I'd first thought Miyazaki was doing some Lasseter-buddy tribute to Finding Nemo, and Disney only hyping the "mermaid" comparisons to sell the studio name--GeorgeC wrote:Ponyo was a Japanese retelling of The Little Mermaid.
No mystery there to me...
I had no trouble following it.
But when the script mentions "turning into ocean foam" if she doesn't get her preschool "prince"...yep, Hans Christian An-dersen, Andersen, that's him.
If you've seen Mononoke, you've SEEN Nausicaa,--or more accurately, vice versa--but Nausicaa was the better movie. And the more sympathetic and less perpetually-cranky heroine.Princess Mononoke, on the other hand...
Still haven't gotten around to seeing Nausicaa yet....
And speaking of shameless plagiarism, no, we probably WOULDN'T compare Avatar to Ghibli (seeing as how Hayao hates CGI, and all), but you're sure to find plenty of Disney's Pocahontas comparisons if you hang around an animation site long enough.