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Re: ParaNorman

Post by laughingoctopus » January 15th, 2013, 12:59 pm

I thought the writing in Paranorman was up to the quality of Cloudy, so that's probably why I loved this. If you didn't like Cloudy, you won't like this. Besides, humor is extremely subjective. But really, "insufferable"?

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Re: ParaNorman

Post by Macaluso » January 15th, 2013, 2:43 pm


Paranorman is nothing like Cloudy, at all. Liking one won't determine you liking the other.

Paranorman has some pretty funny parts (the line about the guns and police was amazing) but Cloudy was a riot from start to finish. Though I expect nothing less from the creators of Clone High.
EricJ wrote: It's visual, but half an hour in, you REALIZE why almost no one ever spoke in the teasers/trailers.
Currently slogging through it now, and while I want to like the Coraline Lite look, the insufferable sitcom-quirkiness of the script is making it tough going.
Uh, I think you're crazy. The dialogue was one of the best parts of movie. Almost all the dialogue in the movie felt natural and the voice acting was great.

I just saw it, thought it was great. The climax was awesome.

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Re: ParaNorman

Post by EricJ » January 15th, 2013, 4:06 pm

The climax WAS good--Once they literally locked the repellantly doltish sitcom-cliche' Monster House supporting characters away for our own good, and focused on our reasonably balanced and sympathetic title character.
And which would have played much better, if the other 90% of the movie before it hadn't played like a smugsy-wugsy 90-minute Simpsons Halloween episode.

(As for why I'm overreacting, think it may have been the buildup--They were so intent on making sure we remembered Coraline, that unfortunately, I DID.
And getting an obnoxiously struck-with-its-own-cleverness Simpsons episode after a dark Neil Gaiman fantasy was rather like promoting the latest Shrek sequel with "From the studio that gave you Rise of the Guardians and How to Train Your Dragon!" Expect a bit of a shock. )

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Re: ParaNorman

Post by Ben » January 15th, 2013, 7:32 pm

Ok, I was with you for a while there, having had similar (if a little less ranting) comments in my main review, but that last bit doesn't even make sense! :?

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Re: ParaNorman

Post by Macaluso » January 15th, 2013, 8:35 pm

EricJ wrote:The climax WAS good--Once they literally locked the repellantly doltish sitcom-cliche' Monster House supporting characters away for our own good, and focused on our reasonably balanced and sympathetic title character.
And which would have played much better, if the other 90% of the movie before it hadn't played like a smugsy-wugsy 90-minute Simpsons Halloween episode.

(As for why I'm overreacting, think it may have been the buildup--They were so intent on making sure we remembered Coraline, that unfortunately, I DID.
And getting an obnoxiously struck-with-its-own-cleverness Simpsons episode after a dark Neil Gaiman fantasy was rather like promoting the latest Shrek sequel with "From the studio that gave you Rise of the Guardians and How to Train Your Dragon!" Expect a bit of a shock. )
I feel like you saw a totally different movie than I did because I couldn't disagree more with... well everything in this post.

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Re: ParaNorman

Post by laughingoctopus » January 15th, 2013, 10:01 pm

Macaluso wrote:???

Paranorman is nothing like Cloudy, at all. Liking one won't determine you liking the other.
No, they're not alike, but the style of humor felt similar to me. If the humor in Cloudy wasn't your thing, I just don't think you'll like the humor in Paranorman either.

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Re: ParaNorman

Post by EricJ » January 16th, 2013, 8:23 am

At the end, I was fully expecting some scene about how, now that the curse was lifted and everyone was tolerant and understanding again, they couldn't insensitively commercialize the "witch" motif for a tourist gimmick anymore, and need some new town identity--
And my first thought was, "I know: Now they'll switch to...SARDINES!" :P

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