Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

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Post by Ben » August 23rd, 2010, 4:58 am

I know they're different genres completely, but best film I've seen this year I think has to be Shutter Island, which just destroys your mind and poohs all over the insipid Inception, which did absolutely zero with its core idea.

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by droosan » August 28th, 2010, 6:32 am

I'd had delivery deadlines during the past two weekends .. but I finally got to see this last night. As I'd expected, it was a blast! Very fun movie. :D

Having only read the first book (many years ago!), I was genuinely enthralled while seeing how Scott's 'situation' played-out. I'll definitely read the rest of the series, soon.

The movie is very much akin to Speed Racer, in that it is an obvious labor of love, by folks who appreciated the source material -- and its various inspirations .. but, is not especially accessible to audiences who might not be familiar with either of those. The comic's quirky story-telling style -- and the loopy internal logic of its 'world' -- are both perfectly-realized, and not-at-all explained. :mrgreen:

There was a pretty good crowd at the theater, though .. considering the movie is in its third week (not to mention its dismal opening-weekend numbers). With Labor Day weekend coming up, Scott Pilgrim's domestic box office could get a boost.

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by Darkblade » September 1st, 2010, 4:22 pm

Is an animated series possible?

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Post by Ben » September 7th, 2010, 3:05 pm

Saved the world with Scott last night (after I found first choices The Expendables and Salt had already vanished from my local screens!) and I have to say that I can see why the movie tanked.

But, I also have to say that, with my rudimentary knowledge of the comics, I had a fun time and, dare I say it, felt quite "emboldened" by the end of the movie.

It was, however, very monotonous, more so than the source which naturally doesn't whack you over the head so noisily and relentlessly so many times. Speed Racer was a very good example in similarities, although I absolutely loved that movie and only found Pilgrim to be "enjoyably bearable" (and I say this not as an old fogey who can't take the volume - I love my movies LOUD).

I could even take Michael Cera by the end of it, him having won me over somewhere in the middle, and the many references that popped up were obviously designed, for the most part, for my generation, which is also I guess where the teenage-aimed geek audience of today didn't pick up the gags.

Some parts were quite chaotic, in a good way, and some didn't work so well. The editing was pretty choppy, even though that's what the intention was, although it didn't really have its own "process" and lapsed a few times within its own style, which I thought was a shame. Other times, there were some really nice touches - little additions to the frames - that showed obvious care had gone into its making.

I wouldn't call it anywhere near the "incoherent mess" that many of its critics are saying, but I didn't think it walked away as tinged with genius either. It's a pretty so-so, harmless adaptation that I can see really working for the hard core SPvTW fans, but that I can also absolutely understand totally baffling and alienating those that just wouldn't get it.

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by K3vin » September 18th, 2010, 6:59 pm

Hey Guys.

I've been a fan of Edgar Wright since Spaced and so when I read about his upcoming movie call "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" which is an adaptation of a canadian comics. I read the synopsis and immediately went on Amazon (Yes, I'm french and the comics were not released yet at that time here. Right now we're at volume 3) to buy the first two volumes and fell instantly in love with the comics so I ordered the next books. It was like a year ago so I followed the shooting of the movie from Edgar Wright's blog all year and waited for the sixth volume.

The movie is my most anticipated film of the year and I still haven't seen it because Universal France don't know what they have into their hands so they pushed back the release to September, then October and now December.
So it's really killing me, I'm deeply waiting for the Blu-Ray release which could be in early November and hoping it to be Region Free. So yeah, waiting...

As for the US release, I was really disappointed it didn't do better but I agree on the fact that I will probably do better in DVD.
Last edited by K3vin on September 18th, 2010, 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by Dacey » September 18th, 2010, 11:48 pm

You shouldn't be dissapointed, mate. As a fan of the source material (which I'm actually reading through myself now), you should love it. :)
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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by K3vin » September 19th, 2010, 2:26 pm

Dacey wrote:You shouldn't be dissapointed, mate. As a fan of the source material (which I'm actually reading through myself now), you should love it. :)
^^ Can't wait. CAN'T WAIT. lol

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