Toy Story 3

Features, Shorts, Live-Action and Direct-To-Video
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Post by Ben » May 14th, 2009, 5:07 pm

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Post by estefan » May 28th, 2009, 8:50 pm

Here's the low-quality teaser trailer recorded off of Entertainment Tonight:

Though I expect an official, high-quality one to be released online within the next couple of days.

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Post by estefan » October 2nd, 2009, 10:25 pm

I went to see the 3-D Double Feature today.

Though, I have seen these films before on their initial release and plenty of times on home video, the Toy Story Double Feature in 3-D was still an excellent experience that I was really glad I went to. The animation is superb, the screenplays are wonderful and witty, the voice acting is perfect and the films as a whole hold up incredibly well with age. But, all of you know that already. How does the 3-D work? Extremely well. The action-packed scenes are even more excited with the added effects and the more down-to-earth scenes have a wonderful sense of added depth to them. It actually feels like you are there with the toys, following them on their adventures. With Up, Pixar showed that they know how to use 3-D as more than just an expensive gimmick and Toy Story sulidifies this. The intermission in-between the two features has some humourous moments with the characters and the introduction prior to Toy Story is hilarious, too. And even though the total length of both films adds up to three hours, it passes by incredibly quickly.

And watching these two films on the big screen again and back-to-back really showed how powerful the message of them are. That even though we do have to grow old and gain some additional responsibilites in our life, we still have to hold onto our childhood and cherish it forever. I think the fact that the large majority of audience members in my screening were people in their late teens and twenties is proof of the effect that Toy Story has had on my generation (and others).

Unfortunately, for some reason, my screening ran the teaser trailer for Toy Story 3 rather than the new trailer. Don't know whether that was an error on the cinema's part or Disney just sent them the wrong print, but considering they advertised the trailer in the television commercials for the double feature, it's kind of annoying when they don't live up to that.

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Post by Dacey » October 3rd, 2009, 10:59 am

They didn't have the sneak peek at my screening either. It seems to be a major goof of the studio's part that some theaters aren't getting it while others are.
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Post by EricJ » October 3rd, 2009, 11:22 am

Wendy's Jane wrote:They didn't have the sneak peek at my screening either. It seems to be a major goof of the studio's part that some theaters aren't getting it while others are.
If it's the post-conventions one that starts out with Andy's "home movies", and then moves on to a modest summary of the plot (hasta el infinito!), then our theater lucked out....Twice, once attached to each feature.
(And counting going to "Cloudy" two weeks before, should any person have to sit through Universal's inscrutable three-hour "Despicable Me" teaser that many times??)

Looks okay, but like any Pixar teaser, they're holding a lot of their cards back for the final bet:
The idea of the toys trying to escape from a daycare of Pixar-kid hellions seems to get away from the hugginess of TS2, but by now, it's ritual to look at a Pixar teaser and say "Huh, is that all we're getting this year?" :D

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Post by Ben » October 4th, 2009, 5:04 pm

At least you guys get the double...all we get here in the UK is the first film in 3D, and even that's not being played up with a lot of hype. Maybe the plan internationally is to put out TS this year and TS2 early next in order to ramp up to TS3 in the summer.

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Post by EricJ » October 4th, 2009, 7:12 pm

Of course, not to dig into....that source, but J*m H*ll managed to cover the half-hour or so of TS3 that was already shown to the D23 convention--

Which doesn't tell us much more than those of us who did get to see the teaser know by now, but has a few distinct plot twists:
(Spoiler-ed rotten)

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Post by sjwatsi » October 5th, 2009, 6:04 pm

Ben wrote:At least you guys get the double...all we get here in the UK is the first film in 3D, and even that's not being played up with a lot of hype. Maybe the plan internationally is to put out TS this year and TS2 early next in order to ramp up to TS3 in the summer.
Yep seems to be the way.

It looks as though Toy Story 2 3D comes two weeks before Princess and the Frog in the UK.

We'll have to wait and pay again to see the second half.

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Post by Josh » October 6th, 2009, 12:42 am

Regarding the Toy Story 3 trailer, I was surprised to hear Randy Newman's "Losing You" in it. I'm guessing the song was just used for the trailer. However, it's such a beautiful song, I wouldn't mind if it ends up being in the film.

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Post by Ben » October 6th, 2009, 5:39 am

sjwatsi wrote:We'll have to wait and pay again to see the second half.
Bah! I have 'em both on DVD and don't need the 3D experience to enjoy these films again. No doubt I will be able to catch up with those versions on Blu-ray early next year, just before the debut of TS3 in theaters.

Then buy them all over again when the trilogy set comes out at Christmas.

So, yes, while I love Pixar and will support the majority of home video releases, I refuse to keep paying to see the same thing over and over. The double-bill idea was neat...but paying over the odds prices for digital/3D screens in the UK is frustrating enough, and paying twice just doesn't do it for me.

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Post by sjwatsi » October 6th, 2009, 5:51 am

Yep i understand that Ben. I was mostly interested in the double feature.


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Post by Aaron_03 » October 6th, 2009, 1:13 pm

Is anyone else going to attend the double feature. I think it's cool that you get watch both for the price of 1, if I'm not mistaken.

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Post by EricJ » October 6th, 2009, 2:49 pm

estefan wrote:The intermission in-between the two features has some humourous moments with the characters and the introduction prior to Toy Story is hilarious, too. And even though the total length of both films adds up to three hours, it passes by incredibly quickly.
Okay, can any stateside fan who got to see both 8) spoil me on the Intermission follies?

Our theater screwed up, started to show TS1 again (it was opening day), and then went into 2 after audiences alerted the manager--
There'd already been a tech delay at the beginning of TS1, and if there was an Intermission reel a la "Rescuers Down Under/Prince & Pauper" (and I was expecting Pixar to deliver one Toy-style), the projectionist skipped over any in-between delays to keep the second movie on schedule.
I could probably go back and find out, but....nahh, they'll be on Blu-ray any minute.

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Post by estefan » October 6th, 2009, 3:25 pm

I didn't see the first couple of minutes of the intermission as I went to the lobby to get some popcorn. What I did see in the remaining seven or so minutes were:

Trivia questions on the Toy Story flicks, complete with some comments from the characters (Hamm and Rex seemed to get the most air-time).
Fun facts on the series (e.g. "Lee Unkrich, the co-director of Toy Story 2 and Finding Nemo will be directing Toy Story 3.")
Some of the original Toy Story treats that aired on ABC some years back and that were also on the 10th Anniversary DVD.
Near the end, they showed some South Park-esque animation (similar to what they showed in the introduction) with the characters entering a spaceship, which blasted off and the characters counting down until Toy Story 2.

The intermission wasn't in 3D, by the way. I don't recall all of the little asides made by the characters in the intermissions, but the ones I remember being quite humourous:

At the beginning, Rex: "Ooh, trivia questions." Hamm: "Eh, I'll get a hot dog."
After a scramble-the-letters puzzle was "Hamm" in which only the M's were switched, Hamm: "Did somebody get paid to write this?"
With one minute left in the intermission, Rex: "I have to go to the bathroom". Hamm: We were just in the lobby." Rex: "But, I didn't need to go, then."

So, yeah, I guess Wallace Shawn and John Ratzenberger had some free time on the weekend to do some recording, because their voices appeared the bulk of the time.

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Post by EricJ » October 6th, 2009, 4:44 pm

Ben wrote:Bah! I have 'em both on DVD and don't need the 3D experience to enjoy these films again. No doubt I will be able to catch up with those versions on Blu-ray early next year, just before the debut of TS3 in theaters.
Yeah, but they don't make View-Masters anymore, darnit, so you GOTTA see either one of 'em once in The New 3-D That Actually Works. 8)
(If not, at least TS2 is worth the glasses surcharge.)

Also, just to hear the kiddies in the audience born after TS2 came out--
It's been so long since we'd seen real Pixar Outtakes, the audience cracked up silly watching the old classics:
I realize Pixar probably wanted to move on from the shtick themselves after Monsters, but still, thanks loads, "Brother Bear", for turning it into everybody-else's-cliche'. :x

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