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Post by Ben » December 10th, 2007, 7:49 am

Yes, "you'll lose your credibility a la Anton Ego".

I just wasn't aware than Anton lost any credibility?

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Post by PixarVixen » December 12th, 2007, 11:39 pm

Remy: "Once it got out there were rats in the kitchen...oh man...the restaurant was closed and, Ego lost his job and his credibility, but don't feel too bad for him. He's doing very well as a small business investor." ;)

Back on track...

Here's the cover of The Art of WALL•E:


As reported by Upcoming Pixar, the hardcover 160-page book contains 250 color illustrations and will cost $40. Look for it on shelves April 17th, 2008.

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Post by Ben » December 13th, 2007, 6:14 pm


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Post by JV IS TIZ!!! PIXAR » December 17th, 2007, 8:10 pm

Here's the new WALL-E Trailer!
[url=http://www.jvpixarnews.com]JV PIXAR NEWS[/url]

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Post by Kaszubas » December 17th, 2007, 8:35 pm

WOW! Thanks JV :) This film is going to be spectacular ! :)

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Post by JV IS TIZ!!! PIXAR » December 17th, 2007, 8:39 pm

Your welcome!

Here it is in HD!
[url=http://www.jvpixarnews.com]JV PIXAR NEWS[/url]

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Post by Foxtale » December 17th, 2007, 10:30 pm

It looks interesting, and seems pretty funny.

Oh man I think everyone knows this by now but Wall-E totally looks like the binoculars in Toy Story.

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Post by Daniel » December 18th, 2007, 2:48 am

Cute trailer!

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Post by Ben » December 18th, 2007, 9:23 am

Funny seeing the new Disney logo on the front of a Pixar film...finally they succumb! ;)

Bit of a cheat that we've seen more than half of that material before, but that means they're saving the good stuff.

Lovely "cinematography" going on here...the Lamp really know what to do with their "camera" like no other studio.

To its detriment: the Kamen-Brazil arrangement is starting to grate, and I'm not sure how much of the intended beurocratic nature of that cue is being lost on people here or how appropriate it is. There's also too much of Number Five and ET rolled into WALL-E himself, and even some of Old Bob from The Black Hole.

I just hope, for all the originality and innovation on show, that it doesn't come packed with strong senses of deja vu.

Would be very cool if they went with the correct "no sound in space" logistics, echoing the "silent" nature of its star character...

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Post by clabot2700 » December 18th, 2007, 3:38 pm

Kudos to Danielle Feinberg and her team for their camera work on WALL-E.
Recently a few Pixar artists attended a CG conference here in Turin and I was lucky enough to chat with them about WALL-E .They told me we'll see the most outstanding camera work ever for a CGI pic.

As you brilliantly noticed the main character is a mix of R2D2 , Number 5, Old Bob , Lenny and ET so a sense of dejà-vu may pervade the movie.
This ain't necessarily a bad thing: maybe Pixar is trying to compensate other sides of the movie deemed too "innovative" remember that Wall-e is basicly a sf animated comedic love story mixed with social satire and environmental issues(trying to avoid preachiness and cheesiness).

Only time will tell.


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Post by Meg » December 18th, 2007, 3:57 pm

They told me we'll see the most outstanding camera work ever for a CGI pic.

Now that will be something to look forward to! Surf's Up had some great camera work...I'd like to see how Wall-E measures up against it. :)

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Post by martini833 » December 19th, 2007, 6:52 pm

Ben wrote:Funny seeing the new Disney logo on the front of a Pixar film...finally they succumb! ;)
I noticed that too but they didn't succumb, the last of the Ratatouille trailers had that too but the final product didn't so I doubt WALL-E will either. Time will tell...

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Post by martini833 » December 19th, 2007, 6:54 pm

Ben wrote:Funny seeing the new Disney logo on the front of a Pixar film...finally they succumb! ;)
I noticed that too but they didn't succumb, the last of the Ratatouille trailers had that too but the final product didn't so I doubt WALL-E will either. Time will tell...

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Post by Ben » December 20th, 2007, 5:05 am

Ahh, true...

I can't and don't see why Pixar films should be treated as anything "special" like that. They're Disney product and should feature the official Disney logo. I think it would be some silly thing like "oh well Pixar didn't animated that version" or something, but the current Disney logo is the current Disney logo and it should grace each new film.

Perhaps when the original, self-developed Pixar films (I think up to WALL-E) are done, they'll then switch to the new logo for films now developed under the new buyout.

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The Art of Wall-E

Post by Gnomeo » January 24th, 2008, 3:26 am

Hi guys :wink: I haven't posted anything here for some time, but I just found that Amazon has updated their page for The Art of Wall-E book. It now features the beautiful cover of the book, which is different from what we have seen before.

old cover

new cover

To be hostes, I don't know which one I like more. I just like them both :wink: Does someone know what is that white egg-like thingy on the second cover?

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