People remember me? (Thats supposed to be a surprised face, it looks a little mean though lol!)Daniel wrote: Off topic, Jake is back!
Well thanks for noticing I'll be around. I should get myself an avatar.
I did! I always wondered where you went off to, but I'm glad you're back!People remember me? Surprised (Thats supposed to be a surprised face, it looks a little mean though lol!)
Well thanks for noticing Laughing I'll be around. I should get myself an avatar.
The Princess And The Cobbler doesn't really count, since that film shoudln't exist (!), but "The Princess And..." is an over used phrase and so obvious that they're only using it so they have another Princess product out there.
Aww, you remembered. Fyi, it was the screename thread, Vi.ShyViolet wrote:Daniel's original name was "Daniel Jake" (his middle name) and I think I said on an older thread thread: "There was another guy named Jake here at one point, but he isn't here much anymore."
AV: In the New York Times article For Disney, Something Old (and Short) Is New Again, Don Hahn provides numerous thoughts regarding Home Theater and its fellow upcoming shorts. How much involvement does Don currently have with the shorts division?
MH: Not a lot since he’s on a sabbatical right now, so he’s not that involved. He was there at the time the article was written, and helped get things launched, but is taking some well-deserved time off right now.