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DC Universe Animated Original Movies

Post by GeorgeC » December 4th, 2006, 5:15 pm


Sounds like she's doing the voice of Wonder Woman for the animated adaptation of DC: The New Frontier...

That's my guess. I believe the project was retitled Justice League: The New Frontier. It's not exactly the same title as the comic which was recently re-released in new Absolut edition.

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Post by Daniel » December 4th, 2006, 5:32 pm

That's kind of a bummer. :( First I thought this thread was about the 'human' adaptation of Wonder Woman, but now WW's getting a new voice?

Ok that's dumb! She already had a fantastic Va in Justice League! so why change? Is it because she's a somebody and the before person was not? Lucy is good but I much prefer an already established voice.

I'm a huge Wonder Woman fan, so hopefully she doesn't *bleep* it up.

Sorry about that ;)

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Post by Ben » December 4th, 2006, 6:19 pm

Phew! I too thought this might be about the loooong in development-heck movie version and first thought was "oh, how unimaginative".

So thank goodness it's not the movie we're talking about, and at least this will be a "<I>new</I>" version of the characters rather than just swicthing voices halfway through an established show.

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Post by Daniel » December 4th, 2006, 6:34 pm

Lucy Lawless to Voice Wonder Woman in "Justice League" Toon
By Ace the Bathound
12-04-2006, 1:44 PM

In an interview with the website AfterEllen.com, actress Lucy Lawless (Xena: Warrior Princess, Battlestar Galactica) stated that she was "in the studio voicing the character of Wonder Woman for a Justice LeagueDVD." No further details are available at this time on Lawless' casting or on the DVD in question.

(via Toon Zone forum member Peter Svensson)
Where does it say 'new version'? :? The only hint I got was from what George C stated. The TZ articles doesn't specifically say its a new version, it says Justice League dvd ;)

Regardless, its pointless changing an already established voice. Its been like what... 5 seasons with that voice? It still shouldn't have happened, and I'm not that pleased with it being Lucy L. Still, she has a good voice, so I'm hoping for the best.

Btw... If Lucy were to be in the live action adaptation, I would be just as upset, I'm rooting for somone who fits the role to a T.

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Post by animated_guy » December 4th, 2006, 10:20 pm

Daniel Jake wrote:That's kind of a bummer :(

First I thought this thread was about the 'human' adaptation of Wonder Woman...
Me too. :D

~a-G :wink:

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Post by Daniel » December 4th, 2006, 11:09 pm

Yah, thread should've been named Lucy Lawless to voice Wonder Woman so there wouldn't be any confusion :P

Btw... animated_guy I love your new avatar! Did you make it yourself or something? It looks, I dunno, 'real' ;)


Post by GeorgeC » December 5th, 2006, 7:07 am

To clear up for the itchy trigger-fingers what Lawless is working on ....

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_Le ... w_Frontier

"Justice League: New Frontier is a direct-to-video animated film adaptation of popular DC Comics storyline The New Frontier. The film will be written by Justice League writer Stan Berkowitz, with Darwyn Cooke serving as story and visual consultant.[1] The film is expected to have a PG-13 rating and is the first in a line of three releases by Warner Bros. Animation scheduled for release in late 2007 and early 2008, the other two being Superman: Doomsday and Teen Titans: The Judas Contract.[2]"


This has NO CONNECTION WHATSOEVER to the Justice League animated TV series, Batman: The Animated Series, or Superman: The Animated Series.

It's a different continuity.

The video is based on a limited comic book series that finished over a year ago!

The guys producing this film can cast whoever they want for these roles.

I don't know who they'll cast for Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, or The Flash, but Lawless probably won't be half-bad as Wonder Woman!

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Post by Ben » December 5th, 2006, 12:50 pm

So it is a "new version".


Post by GeorgeC » December 5th, 2006, 2:29 pm

In a nutshell, "Yep."

New Frontier will be a heck of a lot easier to adapt than many stories because A) it doesn't deal with 50+ years of constantly evolving continuity like Crisis on Infinite Earths or Infinite Crisis; B) it's closer to being more universally-liked than many other recent stories; and C) it's relatively recent.

I didn't like the "Death of Superman" comic book storyline so I may pass on that video. It just wasn't a very good story, it was mess in visual composition and brutally simplistic and stupid in my opinion, and it's going to be a mess to try and adapt it. Why something else a bit simpler and NEATER like "The Flash of Two Worlds" couldn't be adapted I don't know, but I'm guessing the producers want to do a bigger, more recent Superman story. I just don't think the one they've chosen is a very good one to spend all this money on adaptiing.

It's about Superman or Batman, baby. (Hollywood speak -- I don't talk this way in real life... :lol: ) Forget the fact that DC/Time-Warner own so many other great characters like The Flash, Green Lantern, or the original Captain Marvel -- they're going to do Batman and Superman who are already the most over-exposed comic book creations in existence!

As for The New Teen Titans "Judas Contract," you're going to have people who don't realize this has NOTHING to do with the recent Teen Titans animated TV series and that this OVA is a much more faithful adaptation of a nearly 25-year-old storyline. Again, many people are locked into one version of this group of characters that they've seen or read and don't realize that with these characters and histories there are already multiple versions in print and media, not just the one versions they've seen or read.

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Post by Daniel » December 5th, 2006, 4:08 pm

Phew! Ok, ignore my earlier post about Wonder Woman's voice. ;)


Justice League: New Frontier trailer online now!

Post by GeorgeC » August 8th, 2007, 7:15 pm

This link has popped in a couple of places already, but for non-comic book fans who still like superheroes here it is ...


Lookin' good, lookin' good!

This is the WB/DC Comics Animation video to look out for early next year.

I think it will blow away the other ones announced or already in production.

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Post by rebelrex » September 7th, 2007, 11:16 am

Cool history on the JL...thanks for posting!

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Post by Ben » September 7th, 2007, 12:41 pm

Interesting...it looks marginally better than the animation in the Superman movie coming out this month...but I can't stand how they skimp on those synthetic scores. Even a small team can come up with better sampled scores than what we get on things like this.

Still...I like that they're doing these things "direct" from the original comics. Go Justice League (TM)!

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Superman: Doomsday

Post by Daniel » September 16th, 2007, 8:48 pm

I noticed we don't have a specific thread on this movie, so I thought I would start us off...

Superman: Doomsday comes out this Tuesday [9-18], and man, I'm exited. I've never read any of the comics, but from the info that's been released to the commercials their currently airing, this looks good!

There are a couple of things I'm worried about, though. The length of the DTV for one, but more importantly, the voices. I know this is new version, that has nothing to with the DCAU, but its still gonna take a while to get use to them. I'm just hoping the voices aren't as bad, as say Lex's from Brainiac Attacks. *Shrugs*

Early reviews so far sound good, so I'm hoping it lives up to expectations. One things for sure, this is gonna be violent! :)

For those who plan on picking this up, both Best Buy and Curcit City are offering a Comic book with purchase, while Target is offering something "secretive" -- seriously! If I do end up getting it, I'll probably get Target edition.

One question though, who's going to be doing the review for Views? Rand or Ben? ;)

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Post by eddievalient » September 16th, 2007, 9:03 pm

The Doomsday storyline was a big part of what got me into comic books and superhero stories as a kid, so I have literally been waiting half my life for someone to make a movie out of it. I agree that it looks great and I hope that I won't be disappointed (except by the fact that they dropped the "four different supermen" part of the story).
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