Over The Hedge

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Post by bullwinkle » May 19th, 2006, 2:34 pm

i am so watching the movie the reviews for it say it super funny.

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Post by bullwinkle » May 19th, 2006, 4:34 pm

check out the reviews for Over the Hedge it is out today

It is a truly for all ages movie that is a joy to behold
Reeling Reviews


the first great family film of 2006 and its a safe bet for all ages
7M Pictures

just when it seemed like the cumputer animation genre was losing some steam Over The Hedge comes along and gives it a well deserved boost.

its chipper sneering outsiders look at suburban sprawl and conformity isnt going to change the world but its still self aware enough to be reasonably smart
Onion AV Club

this witty and wise comedy is easily the most thoroughly enjoyable animated movie since The Incredibles
ST. Paul Pioneer Press

A family-pleaser featuring some great voice talent
check out rotten tomatoes for more reviews
Atlanta Journal-Constitution

a frisky romp
E! Online

aughed like a [insert laughing animal of choice here] throughout Over the Hedge
Entertainment Weekly

Chirpy, silly fun for youngsters thanks to solid character animation.
Hollywood Reporter

the matching of characters to voices is inspired
New York Post

There are cute CGI animals, clever dialogue, a satirical look at suburban America.

After a slow star Over The Hedge hits its stride and pulls out a fantastic finale.

Over the Hedge, comes equipped with the same above-the-title talent but also with a fun story and some of the best visual work their employees have done to date

This movie is just fun from start to finish, and will put a huge grin on your face
Pop Syndicate

Bruce Willis best performances ever
Flick Filosopher

the movie has something for everyone
Sun Publications

fun, simple story and great characters make this critter flick click.

Christian Science Monitor

the movie looks so funny

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Post by Christian » May 19th, 2006, 5:06 pm

Did you see the story about it at the top of the front page?

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Post by James » May 19th, 2006, 5:47 pm

The film was pretty good. DreamWorks is definitely getting better, story- and animation-wise. Still not up to Disney in it's day or Pixar standards, but getting close. Hopefully the Madagascar/Over the Hedge DreamWorks can kill off the Shrek/Shark Tale DreamWorks!

Getting tired of bodily function jokes, DreamWorks being a major offender here. But it seems like all animated films lately have picked up on that.

Big thing I noticed is that the studio logo clip at the beginning (with the boy on the moon and the balloons) just said "DreamWorks" instead of the usual "DreamWorks Animation".

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Post by Meg » May 19th, 2006, 9:48 pm

Bullwinkle, I thought we told you to stop posting all those critic quotes.

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Post by animated_guy » May 19th, 2006, 9:52 pm

anyone else go see this film? im not going to go see it untill i hear some more reviews from the people.not the critics. it looks cute. more fun than shark tale but not as fun as shrek 2 for me...
~a-G :wink:

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Post by Ben » May 20th, 2006, 12:39 pm

James wrote:Getting tired of bodily function jokes, DreamWorks being a major offender here. But it seems like all animated films lately have picked up on that.
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Post by Dacey » May 20th, 2006, 3:02 pm

I can't wait to see this movie. The reviews have been GREAT!

Here are Friday's box office numbers:

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Post by Meg » May 20th, 2006, 3:38 pm

Hmm. Not bad.

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Post by Dacey » May 20th, 2006, 4:00 pm

Not bad at all, says I. ;)

As for "Da Vinci Code": Woah....
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Post by YCougar » May 20th, 2006, 8:38 pm

I went out and saw this yesterday with my little brother. Not quite up to the level I've come to expect from Pixar, but it's easily my favorite DreamWorks CGI film so far.

My biggest surprise was how they actually managed to make Hammy the squirrel endearing in his hyperactiveness. I was annoyed for his first few minutes onscreen, but he grew on me fast. And his design is so cute. :)

The animation, in looks and movement, was for the most part nice. I'm not sure I like the jerky "comical" style DreamWorks seems to use a lot (and quite annoyingly in Madagascar, I thought) but it was still well-done. The only thing I could really point out was their animals felt warmer and more alive than the humans in the movie, which looked a little stiff at times. But since they weren't characters the film was developing, I wasn't too bothered.

I had fears this would be as disappointing as Madagascar was for me; thankfully it delivered. And would I see it again given the chance? Oh yes. In fact, walking out of the theater I had a sudden craving to go online and dig up all the Hedge concept art I could find. :P Feels like a success to me!

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Hammy or Sammy

Post by sokool » May 21st, 2006, 12:28 am


First.... just saw movie. Heard lot's of negatives.... beg to differ... this movie had everyone in theater old and young guffawing. The animation was great! The Humans looked goofy ( I assume they were supposed to!) and the critters looked furry and touchable. The hedge looks photographic.

And to point.... Hammy (Hamilton the "anarchic alphabet-burping, hyperactive, caffed-up, junk food addled Squirrel) stole the show!

To answer those that wondered. Apparently there is a reason for the name change...

Want to know more?

Head to this link...

He's the first squirrel in the comic strip called "Over the Hedge," by Michael Fry and T. Lewis, which is what the movie is derived from. But he was killed very early on and replaced by Sammy. He ended up being roadkill, I believe. We resorted to the original name.
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Post by SPACEHERO55 » May 21st, 2006, 12:32 am

Just saw it and I must say that I liked it. I liked it a lot. This coming from a guy who has hated every single attempt that Dreamworks has made with CGI Films from Shrek all the way to Madagascar. Antz was good.

I was shocked how much I liked this film. All the complaints that I have had about previous CGI Dreamwork's were not here. The story was good. The pacing was great, the characters were great and the jokes all felt like they belonged and were part of the overall narative.

Hammy of course stole the show for me. The film had great Action scenes too. The scene when Vern tries to give all the food back and inadvertely wakes up that Rottwiler was both action packed and comedic. The same goes for the scene with The Verminator's Truck.

By Far my favorite scene was when they finally gave Hammy Caffine. It was brilliant.

Anyway thats it. After the dissapointment that was "The Wild" this was great. So far 2 out of 3 aint bad (I also really liked Ice Age 2)

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Hammy or Sammy

Post by sokool » May 21st, 2006, 12:45 am

[quote="Meg"]Why'd they change Sammy's name to Hammy? Hammy is the name of Sammy's reflection...

http://overthehedge.com/comics/hedge/ar ... 51213.html[/quote]

See earlier post...

Hammy was original name. He got Squished.. Sammy was new character name...

DW went with original... or so the DW folk say...


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Post by Macaluso » May 21st, 2006, 1:37 am

Just came back from this movie.

I don't really know what to say about everything. Except that it was all awesome. I could even deal with the burping stuff. Whenever the skunk was on screen, I was afraid I was going to hear a fart noise, but when she finally "Went off" they handled it exactly how I would have liked.

The whole movie was really good, and the FAST PACED SCENES never seemed to stop. Especially the ending where it just kept getting more and more insane.
Like the final trap that was for bear-sized creatures. That was friggen INSANE and I LOVED IT.
Also, I could NOT tell that Steve Carell was the voice of Hammy at ALL. I could spot most of the other voices, but Steve Carell's caught me totally by suprise. He was VERY good at the part he played.

This is probably my favorite Dreamworks movie. Better than Shrek even. Okay, enough gushing about this now.

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