I would love to see one for War of the Worlds.

Yeah that seems reasonable, considering that Spielberg's so high-profile, he might slip and say something a little questionable and alienate bunches of people. He always kind of shuns publicity up to a point anyway.huh...
in my opinion it might be because if he actually make a commentary people might misinterpret some of his sentence as an offense/bad thing.
You remember in the Incredibles Brad Bird commentary when he said, "The next person who says 'oo what's it like to work in the animation genre', I'M GONNA PUNCH THEM!"
He might be thinking that his joking comment is meant as an offense.
Am I making sense?
Get the 80's songs from their original source or from iTunes or something. It doesn't have to be from a Donnie Darko soundtrack CD. I've had The Killing Moon for 22 years now.So true. I'm pretty sure that's why the Donnie Darko soundtrack (not the score) took so long to come out. Those 80s songs were too expensive for the tiny little film company to buy or something. (I STILL CAN'T FIND IT.) I do have the score, which I love, but it's not the same.