What is your favorite period of history?

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What is your favorite period of history?

Post by GeffreyDrogon » July 17th, 2021, 4:38 pm

When it comes to history, one period that seems to get me interested is that of the Eastern Roman Empire/Byzantines, especially because of how many things that empire went through in its long history, especially how it had to deal with Arabs, Slavs, Bulgarians, Turks, and Crusaders.

I also have in interest in older Roman history, Medieval Europe, and India.

What periods in history do you like?

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Re: What is your favorite period of history?

Post by droosan » August 20th, 2021, 3:30 am

The period of history of which I've read, and return to, most is the First World War (particularly its tragic first year). :(

I'm likewise fond of books on medieval London .. particularly regarding the Old London Bridge -- which was basically a 'tiny city' unto itself, over the River Thames -- spanning a period of over 600 years.

I also enjoy reading about the Age of Explorers -- especially on Cook or Magellan -- though, that period is likewise fraught with tragedy. :|

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Re: What is your favorite period of history?

Post by ShyViolet » August 21st, 2021, 9:00 pm

Love reading about the Industrial Revolution in Europe as well as the start of international trade/imperialism. Always fascinating to learn how much the world changed from around the 18th century on; all from a sociological, cultural, historical and political standpoint.

Also love studying the fifteenth century when the printing press was invented by Gutenberg; how formal documents were finally written down so the average person could read them, not just scholars.

One example is of course the Bible, which was finally translated from Latin to various local languages that were in their own form at that time. (For example Middle English.).

The Renaissance is amazing too! :-).
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: What is your favorite period of history?

Post by GeffreyDrogon » August 21st, 2021, 9:14 pm

Probably one period I am quite fascinated with are the Romans, especially the later Romans (known informally as the Byzantines), and all the struggles they went through before their final fall in 1453.

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Re: What is your favorite period of history?

Post by O_V59 » August 31st, 2021, 12:45 pm

I'm pretty fascinated with the Interbellum and Cold War eras (especially decolonization and the Eastern Block in the case of the latter). They're so close to us, with movies, photos etc being taken, some (a lot in the case of the Cold War) first hand witnesses being alive... I guess I developed a liking for these periods because I over-read about both World Wars as a kid and ended up wanting to know what happened around them!

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