Coronavirus (Covid-19)

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by Randall » September 4th, 2021, 1:29 am

The summer was not a disappointment for me. I always knew this would be at least a 2-year problem (likely longer, by the looks of things). Once you have the mindset that things will be different for a while, then it's a matter of accepting it and moving on.

And being vaccinated, there's not nearly so much to worry about now. Yes, Delta changed things, but not so much for the healthy vaccinated folk. It's still worthwhile taking precautions, but we do know that serious illness is not likely to result from an infection now, once vaccinated (unless you're immune-compromised, of course). I still mask up everywhere, including work, but I'm used to that. We are starting to socialize a little with vaccinated friends and relatives, though staying outdoors for now.

My kids are back in school, where there are mask mandates. The university also has a vaccination mandate, so I feel good about that for my daughter. The kids are relieved to be back in class, and not on the computer so much as before. Life is getting better for them.

Now when I read the news, I do see all the bad stories about full ICUs and such, but that's another reality, in a way - mostly the reality of the unvaccinated. I feel more sorry for the hospital workers who have endured so much, largely now for the sake of those who won't take the simple step to protect themselves.

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by Ben » September 4th, 2021, 4:58 am

Ben wrote:
March 22nd, 2021, 5:33 am
As I half joked earlier in this thread, 2021 is largely going to be a rerun of 2020, though not quite so bad IF we don’t all just go mad after a first shot (which doesn’t give you the full protection anyway) and keep spreading it around. If the variants take hold, they can themselves be immunised from the vax...and then we're back to square one... :shock:

Be sensible! Be safe! :D

Over 42,000 cases here yesterday, and one day of over 400 deaths, though our average has been around 150 lately. And the schools are only just about to be going back next week, which led to huge increases in Scotland, where they went back two weeks ago… And, of course, the jabs are waning after four to six months, so there’s reduced immunisation there, as so many people are finding. We know at least three or four couples that have caught it in the last few weeks, and not all of them have only had a mild response.

Boosters for the UK have not been confirmed, which is nuts too, as many people who had their second vaxes in Feb/March are now needing them, especially against the delta variation. And pretty soon they’re just going to have to start mandating jabs, as we’re starting to go around in circles. It’s been around for a year now, including trials, so we know the benefits. Just get the vax and stop being stupid about it. It’s free, it doesn’t hurt, it helps you and others. What’s the problem? The only problem is the covidiots that are not taking it! I fear things are about to get a whole lot worse again here, and around…

And on that cheery note…! ;)

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by ShyViolet » September 4th, 2021, 11:15 pm

I just wanted things to be ok, to be the way they were. (Well I guess everyone did.) I’m really quite disappointed, especially that those in authority don’t seem to truly know what the heck is going on. It’s not even about getting rid of this anymore, just learning to live with it. Yeah, I’m disappointed. :(
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by Randall » September 5th, 2021, 12:08 am

I'm definitely disappointed in some of the so-called leadership. Too many politicians can't face reality and make sound choices. They also lie, saying that they will heed the advice of medical experts, but then do the opposite.

I'm also disappointed that so many people are nutty conspiracy theorists and arrogant fools, either blinded by ideology or willfully ignorant.

The thing to do is focus on your own behavior, try to positively influence others (while accepting that you cannot control them) and ride things out.

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by Ben » September 5th, 2021, 4:39 am

Politicians lying!? Who'd a thunk it!

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by GeffreyDrogon » September 5th, 2021, 10:34 am

My father (a Conservative) believes in conspiracy theories related to COVID-19, which isn't good for my mental health. Though I don't live with him anymore (at least for now), what I hear from him has had quite a profound impact on me.

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by Randall » September 5th, 2021, 11:00 am

Sorry to hear that, Geffrey. It must be difficult hearing such ridiculousness (sorry) coming from your own father. I feel very fortunate that my own friends and family are rational, educated people - everyone I know is vaccinated and being careful. It feels, however, that society has split into two camps - one being crazy, ill-informed, and driven by emotion or ideology more than facts.

As for lying politicians, even our school boards (as well as the provincial government, of course) had lied and claimed they were following the advice of local Chief Medical Officers - until all the CMOs signed a letter outlining their actual recommendations, and the letter went public last week. The school boards smartened up, but the government basically just finally admitted that they didn't care what those silly doctors had to say, and passed all responsibility for rules and restrictions on to businesses and organizations. Incredibly, it is the local professional football team that is leading the way by creating "vaccine passport" rules (likely pressed by the city government), which are being mirrored by other teams and even the universities. (Our universities have been great from the beginning.) Our government is now pathetic when it comes to making rules, as they have abdicated all responsibility; they just tell people they have to get vaccinated, which is great, but the lack of rules feels like mixed messaging.

But at least other leaders are stepping up. Sadly, though, our province is one of the least vaccinated in Canada (despite a vaccine campaign that was excellently organized, and did receive great government support), though our vaccination rate at least remains far ahead of many US states. Still, our fourth wave is shaping up to be the worst yet, thanks to not enough folks getting vaccinated, being careful, or generally taking things seriously. And like elsewhere, it's being driven by the younger, less-vaccinated age groups.

And that's all quite sad. But my own life remains really good, and I am as mentioned just riding things out and trying to enjoy life, while doing what I can to be careful.

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by EricJ » September 5th, 2021, 2:10 pm

Randall wrote:
September 5th, 2021, 12:08 am
I'm also disappointed that so many people are nutty conspiracy theorists and arrogant fools, either blinded by ideology or willfully ignorant.
Or--I'm starting to theorize--nutty conspiracy-theorists following Q's rather mentally-questionable habit of believing movie and TV shows could happen in the real world:

My suspicions were first aroused on 1/6, when all the fantasies about "the Storm" promised that Democratic lawmakers would be "rounded up in citizen's tribunals, for firing squads", and I wondered whether someone had been watching The Dark Knight Rises a few too many times...
But then we had one nutty anti-vaxx'er who was convinced that MRNA vaccines would "reconfigure DNA" and worried that patients would be at risk of "turning into chimpanzees"...Y'know, I didn't think anybody ELSE remembered that Japanese anime episode of Cowboy Bebop either. :lol:

And now we have one Fox News'er trying to throw more Holocaust-imagery around, and fearing that Biden will "round up the unvaccinated into internment camps".
Okay, now he's made me picture the end of Roger Corman's "Wild in the Streets", and for that, someone needs to die. :evil:

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by Daniel » September 5th, 2021, 3:26 pm

Roger Corman wasn't involved in that film.

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by GeffreyDrogon » September 15th, 2021, 10:41 pm

A piece of good news is that tomorrow is my birthday.

How have you all been doing?

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by ShyViolet » September 15th, 2021, 11:01 pm

Happy birthday! :)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by GeffreyDrogon » September 16th, 2021, 12:36 am

Thank you!

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by Ben » September 16th, 2021, 3:22 am

We "celebrated" mine over the weekend (I'm the "other 9/11"), with a barbeque for family and a small group of friends that have stayed in particular close touch through the pandemic. We sat outside in a gazebo tent, into a very pleasant evening, and everyone had tested before getting together so we could enjoy ourselves without too much limitation. It was just so nice to have a larger group of people back together again for the first time in almost twenty months!

Next up is our pooch on the 19th: I cannot believe we've had him for six years already! And he’s still a pup! ;)

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by droosan » September 16th, 2021, 7:05 am

Happy Birthday, Geffrey and Ben..! 8)

I'm doing okay. I remain unemployed (currently subsisting on my savings), but I'm working to transfer my 3D skills to other software. My goal is to have several portfolio pieces completed by the end of this year. :)

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Post by GeffreyDrogon » September 16th, 2021, 10:04 am

I began my celebration on 9/11 with a trip to King's Dominion, once a Viacom-owned park.
