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Disney's Urban Myths

Post by mr. squarepants » January 17th, 2005, 5:56 pm

Has anyone else heard or read of something vulgar being hidden in Lilo and Stitch? It supposedly occurs when you first see Stitch emerge from the crashed ship on earth.

I am not trying to start a dirty thread. I only want to know if this is true.

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Post by Macaluso » January 17th, 2005, 7:22 pm

Ariel and Sebastion are totally seen having sex on the beach behind him.

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Post by mr. squarepants » January 17th, 2005, 7:57 pm

I hope you are joking.


Post by GeorgeC » January 17th, 2005, 11:59 pm

Most vulgar stuff is in people's minds.

On the other hand, I DID see something (along with at least 15 other people in a storyboard class) that the visual effects animators did in the original theatrical version of The Lion King on laserdisc and there's no question some guys had fun with some of the Roger Rabbit shorts.

Disney wouldn't have recalled all the Roger Rabbit shorts laserdiscs in the US if there hadn't been something in the animation that they were concerned about... That's too much money to blow but apparently at the time the Disney executives still cared about the company's public image.

The naughty stuff in some of these films is not urban legend as much as Disney apologists would have you believe.

The biggest SNAFU that hit Disney video in recent years was with the last VHS release of The Rescuers. Apparently, an original theatrical cut was used for the VHS that had a nude picture from a girlie magazine pasted into a background by one of that film's camera operators. It didn't get caught until something like 500,000 copies of the VHS tape left the warehouses. Disney recalled most of the VHS tapes but a few still got sold and collected high dollars on e-Bay. All because of one snarky camera operator.

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Post by Christian » January 18th, 2005, 1:54 am

Here we go with the Lion King rumors again.


Post by GeorgeC » January 18th, 2005, 6:16 pm

The Lion King FX rumor is NOT a rumor.

I suggest you look at your ORIGINAL copy on VHS or laserdisc then get back to me and tell me it's a rumor.

The problem is that if you only have the DVD version, well Disney changed that one. Heck, the second DVD release of Lion King 2 was also altered. The only way to see the original version of The Lion King is on the original VHS 1995 VHS release or the laserdisc versions. What's availabe on DVD has been altered.

Sorry to tattle-tale on the FX animators in Lion King 1, but they had fun in that film and did "extracurricular activities" in the one stardust scene in the film. It's not vulgar, but there's no question what they did is anything but vague.

I had this conversation around 5 years ago with an ex-Disney guy who just wouldn't believe it. It got to the point the guy called me an idiot until I did a freeze-frame of the scene from the laserdisc and got back to him with print-outs of the stills I captured in AfterEffects.

He shut up after that.

It's amazing because this same fellow was a source of stories about the discontent and fears that the Florida animators had about the Orlando facility (which were proven true in 2003), but he wouldn't believe that the animators and photography would pull some of the tricks in the films that have been caught by audiences on home video...

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Post by Ben » January 19th, 2005, 9:01 am

I always thought the Lion King thing was fake. You can either see "SFX" in the cloud dust, or you can see "SEX"... it's up to the viewer (and yes, I'm looking at the LD here).

The Rescuers thing was weird. I can't remember the artist, but the "girlie picture" is actually a work of art (I think by Picasso) - not porn!

It's meant to be hanging up inside one of the apartments Orville flies by after his take off in the city, and is on for all of two frames (and blurred by the way).

This painting was in the original background art, from 1977, and it was in a later re-issue (for whatever reason) that the image was changed. Cut to when the title comes out on video, and the original 1977 print was used. Some Mom apparently freeze-framed the tape at exactly that point (a HUGE coinkidink!) and blurted out to the press, hence the recall. Tapes and discs were re-issued with the 1980s re-issue print instead. Again, I have the original LD and the DVD to compare.

As for Roger Rabbit - the big thing there was another background image, in Trail Mix-Up. As Roger swings from the roof to rescue Baby Herman from the top of a log, he passes a poster advertising "Rigid Tools", with a very well proportioned babe astride a chainsaw. On the original CAV LD (which I also have) it is VERY clear to see this (especially with CAV), but the subsequent VHS had the poster blurred out.

I'm not sure, but I have the feeling that it might be viewable again on the DVD, but no-one has yet complained!

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Post by Christian » January 19th, 2005, 12:24 pm

The problem is that if you only have the DVD version
Well, I've known about this rumor for at least eight years now, before DVDs ever hit that market and long before the Lion King DVD hit the market. There's never any one frame where SEX is clearly there. You can only guess that it might say SEX by using your brain to piece together information from different frames and even then it is not that clear, and still appears to be more like SFX than SEX any way you cut it. Supposedly the way the story broke was that a four year old was watching the videotape of it at home, saw the dust form the word SEX, then went and asked his mom what "sex" was. If it was that easy for a four-year old to see then the majority of people watching it in the theater would've clearly seen it and it would've been "discovered" long before its home video release.

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Post by Josh » January 19th, 2005, 1:32 pm

I recall a story that one of my friends told in the classroom about The Little Mermaid. Apparently, a girl was leaning extra close to her television, because she was somewhat deaf (I don't know exactly how to put it). Anyway, she heard something in one of the songs concerning rape. Anyone know anything about that? That story sounds pretty far-fetched, if you ask me.

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Post by PatrickvD » January 20th, 2005, 5:06 am

Mickey A wrote:I recall a story that one of my friends told in the classroom about The Little Mermaid. Apparently, a girl was leaning extra close to her television, because she was somewhat deaf (I don't know exactly how to put it). Anyway, she heard something in one of the songs concerning rape. Anyone know anything about that? That story sounds pretty far-fetched, if you ask me.
these stories just keep getting better and better :lol: I do recall something about kids taking off their clothes in Aladdin... :roll:

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Post by Christian » January 20th, 2005, 12:18 pm

I get a kick out of how the correct information is out there debunking these rumors yet the rumors still persist.

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Post by Special_Ed » February 14th, 2005, 7:46 pm

What's the Lilo rumor?

I was in an advertising class and i wonder about Sex in the Lion King. We studied ads where all sorts of words are hidden in lighting, folds, ribbon, etc. and we looked at Lion King too. It's possible it's SEX and not SFX.

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Post by ShyViolet » February 14th, 2005, 9:01 pm

Why doesn't someone just like, ask Scott Weinger from Aladdin if he really said those words?

Or ask the artists from the Lion King if they did that? (wrote the word SEX)

I guess they wouldn't tell.... :roll:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Special_Ed » February 14th, 2005, 9:40 pm

It was said in a riff with Robin.

Little Mermaid used to have images of Mickey, Donald, and Goofy with guns or something in carvings on King Triton's throne. Some veideos are out there with this still intact from the 90 release. Only some are out there because Disney caught this cut it out and started duping the edited version

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Post by Christian » February 15th, 2005, 1:34 am

Why doesn't someone just like, ask Scott Weinger from Aladdin if he really said those words?
This is covered on the Aladdin DVD commentary.

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