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Post by ShyViolet » December 26th, 2006, 10:45 am

Superman Returns scored in many of the "Worst of 2006" categories on IMDB:
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Post by Randall » December 26th, 2006, 7:23 pm

We watched the Donner Cut a few nights ago. The wife and I greatly enjoyed it. I was amazed at just how much of it was new (though my wife's memories of Superman II were hazy anyway). It was definitely worth getting (in HD, for me). I never expected a polished film, considering its origins, so I was actually pleasantly surprised at how good it looked and flowed.

Which is not to say that it was perfect, by any stretch. Others have made those comments already, so I'll refrain. But for those of us who watched Superman II in the theater in 1980, then heard later on about all that missing and re-done footage, viewing it was a dream come true.


Update on Superman Movies disc replacement program...

Post by GeorgeC » January 24th, 2007, 11:14 pm

From , Wednesday 24 January 2007 --

"We've spoken to Warner Home Video and want to update you as to the Superman replacement disc issue. Warner says the replacement program is working smoothly - correct discs are being shipped out now to all those who have requested them and have sent their incorrect discs in for exchange (via the envelope provided by the folks at the 800 number - 800-553-6937). We've been told that all of the product currently on store shelves is still the original product. To simplify the replacement situation, Warner is letting that product sell out as it is (rather than pulling it), and is then arranging replacement discs for those who request them. All discs now being manufactured however are correct, and sometime later in 2007 new corrected product will be released to stores of the 14-disc Ultimate Collection, the Superman: The Movie 4-disc set and the Christopher Reeve box set. Warner will make official announcements in a few weeks as to precisely when this product will be available in stores and how you'll be able to identify it from the previously released DVDs (at the very least, the new corrected product will have new UPC or SKU numbers). Warner's promised to provide The Bits with all the important details, so rest assured that we'll tell you as soon as they tell us."

Sorry, but all the product OUT THERE now HAS the defective discs!

I know what Ben's going through... I just sent in my INCORRECT Superman: The Movie disc one to WB to get the RIGHT disc with the 2.0 track this past Monday/Tuesday!

It stinks, but the replacement program is the only way you'll get the correct discs...

Unless you're prepared to wait a few months for the current inventory to sell out!

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Post by Randall » January 25th, 2007, 12:50 am

I'll wait. I have the HD versions :) to keep me happy for now, and can wait to watch the other extras for when this is released properly. I have enough backlogged that I can watch that I don't have to deal with going through a replacement program to pick up the set right now.

Good to see that those replacements are being sent out now, though. And good to know that it'll be a while before corrected product comes to stores.

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Post by droosan » January 25th, 2007, 1:24 am

I sent them my Superman: The Movie disc in the 'provided' envelope a week before Christmas, and still haven't yet received the replacement disc (and I live just two blocks away from the Warner Bros. studio lot!). I was just thinking of calling them again, to see what's 'up'. :?

The Back to the Future disc replacement 'turn-around' was much faster, IIRC.

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Post by Ben » January 25th, 2007, 9:11 am

I got an email this morning. Apparently they are sending out an "international shipment" next week.

We'll see, but I have heard of folks in Germany getting the discs straight through.

More annoyingly, my lenticular slipcase has a horrible dent in it, and the blue box itself has a bad printing error on the P of SUPERMAN across the top. :(

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Post by Dacey » January 28th, 2007, 2:57 pm

They don't have it at my mall. I mean, I've really been wanting to own that set, especially since I actually liked "Returns".
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Post by Ben » January 29th, 2007, 8:50 am

I would buy it WJ, and send for the discs. :(

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Post by Dacey » January 29th, 2007, 1:00 pm

None of the stores in my area have it. I've looked. :(
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Filmation Batman & Superman DVDs set...

Post by GeorgeC » March 21st, 2007, 10:04 pm

For those superhero fans who have to have EVERYTHING animated ever done with Superman and Batman --

"Warner has set The New Adventures of Superman (36 6-minute episodes on 2 discs - SRP $26.99), The New Adventures of Batman: The Complete Series (the Filmmation animated series featuring the voices of Adam West and Burt Ward - 16 episodes on 2 discs - SRP $26.99)... all for release on 6/26."

The New Adventures of Superman is notable for being the last time the old Superman radio show cast performed together as an ensemble. Shortly after his last recording session on this series, Bud Collyer, the ORIGINAL voice of Clark Kent/Superman in animation, died.

I'm passing on these two just like I did Star Trek: TAS. There are just some things with my limited amount of money that I DON'T need to buy. I still have to get my hands on Batman: TAS Volume 4, Superman Vol. 2, and Justice League Volumes 1 and 2!

Besides, they finished up the best Superman/Batman stuff this past Tuesday! (3/20/07). No question that the final season of Justice League Unlimited was the last really good set of animated TV superhero action we'll see produced in the US for a while.

Now on to the next year's OVAs. Here's hoping Justice League: The New Frontier is good. I have less hope for Superman: Doomsday. I really wish WB Animation had stayed away from that sorry excuse for a comic book story.

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Post by eddievalient » March 22nd, 2007, 3:03 pm

Personally, I'm looking forward to Superman: Doomsday. That particular storyline (by way of a novelization I read) was one of the things that really started my love of comics and superheroes as a kid. Although, I am concerned with the film's short 70 minute runtime (as it was announced). To really do the story justice would take at least 20-30 minutes more than that, unless they're skipping the "Reign of the Supermen" part of it, in which case the film may disappoint. However, as it stands now I am cautiously optimistic. I hope the film will be good, but I'm reserving judgement til I see it.
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Re: Filmation Batman & Superman DVDs set...

Post by Randall » March 22nd, 2007, 11:31 pm

GeorgeC wrote:For those superhero fans who have to have EVERYTHING animated ever done with Superman and Batman --
Yeah, that'd be me. :) Those Superman cartoons from Filmation were actually pretty faithful to the Silver Age stuff, plus of course they had the radio cast, which is cool. They're not great, but they are good fun. The Batman cartoons were nicely done as well; true, it's pretty limited animation, but they had lots of Batman villains, Batgirl, and Bat-Mite. It was similar to the live action Batman (and with the same two actors), but not quite so dopey. I'm really happy to see these coming to DVD.

However, I'm surprised that we didn't get the older Filmation Batman cartoon instead, which came out a couple of years after the Superman one. All in good time, I suppose. Then, we'll need Aquaman, Justice League, Teen Titans, Hawkman, Green Lantern, and The Flash--- all part of the Superman/Aquaman/Batman shows of the 1960s. Those ones all seemed to have the same alien invasion plot, but I'd love to have them on disc.


Newsarama has a Bruce Timm interview posted, where he comments more on Doomsday. The whole story will be told, but focusing only on Superman and his supporting cast--- no Justice League, Supergirl, etc. I actually loved the Reign of the Supermen part of the story, so I'm looking forward to seeing how they make out with it.

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Post by Ben » March 23rd, 2007, 5:02 am


I'm split with George and Rand...while I'd love all this stuff there just isn't the time to watch it all!

So I like to limit myself to "samplings" of material. As a Supes-nut though, I'll definitely pick up "The New Adventures" (if we can't get some WB screeners ;))!

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Post by ShyViolet » March 23rd, 2007, 6:21 am

I used to watch Challenge of the Superfriends a lot when I was young, and Batman and Robin always had these PSA's right afterwards, buckel your seatbelt, etc....etc.....:wink:

It was a fun show. I think there was even one episode when Superman gets turned into a child! :)
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Post by ShyViolet » March 25th, 2007, 12:59 am

I'm curious, even IMO though it wasn't a good film by any means, would Singer ever re-release Superman Returns on DVD, with all the cut scenes restored, and maybe have a commentary on exactly why he cut them and why he made the decisions he did? That would be quite interesting to hear. :)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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