I always liked this segment even though I know critics bashed it. Spielberg also produced the Twilight Zone movie with John Landis (who directed the prologue and the first segment with Nazi Germany) I think originally Spielberg was supposed to direct "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" where people think there's aliens invading and get so paranoid that they become like monsters. But for some reason he didn't...Jerry Goldsmith scored the Kick The Can segment of Twilight Zone: The Movie, since he was the listed composer for the entire film. Again, one can hear a very Williams/Spielberg connection in the music. Did you also know that it was directing a segment on this film that gave Stevie the initial idea to make the Amazing Stories anthology series?
I've only watched a few of the Amazing Stories but I did like them, especially this one where a little girl is killed and goes to heaven or something...I THINK that was Amazing Stories. I might be mixed up.

I liked Kick the Can, Scatman Crothers (he was in the Shining too) did a great job. I think next to that my fave segment was "It's a Good Life" the update on the psycho little boy who can do anything he wants. It scared the daylights out of me the first time I saw it. I like the original TZ version of it too.
Was it Alan Silvestri who did the Amazing Stories theme music?