Thanks Shy violet.
Thpthpthpthpthp to the rest of you.
Chicken Little is pretty funny.. I like it... I actually thought it was really warm and funny and a much better film than it got credit for. I think it's a warmer film than most animated jokefests today.
When you talk about how some great films were made hopefully to please the animators... Chicken Little had a lot of that in it. As a crew, I think more people who worked on the film loved it... not that it was brilliant, or the best movie ever or anything... but there was a pride in it. And that was, if not unique in my experience in making movies.. very VERY rare.
I also felt that Chicken Little was the beginning of an upswing for Feature Animation... coming off a downswing.... obviously a brutal one. So just when we were getting our landlegs back after being really rocked and decimated and all but wiped out... and we really soldier on and endeavor to make a film... you know...still trying to keep our heads up.
And we made a film... very small crew... budget constraints etc.. And it's not just a movie you're making... you have to put together an entirely new production apparatus because it's CG. You've got to retrain all these traditional people so that you retain as much talent as possible.. and you create these new tools so that they can be as expressive in CG as they were in 2d. Anyway, you make a film with a small crew under those conditions and you feel like you've accomplished something. You get a comraderie and a kind of in the trenches love for a crew. It just was a great, great crew.
And I have to say, Mark and Randy, the director and producer, were just beloved by the crew. Those two just had to be feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders... I mean really all of our jobs were in their hands. And yet they were an absolute dream. If this was a war, those guys took about a million and a half bullets to spare the crew.
So that explains somewhat my emotional attachment to that film. Someday someone will write the history of Feature Animation for that period, and folks maybe will come to know how important a film that was for many, many reasons.