So, IGN likes everything about the game but the gameplay?
What kind of a half-%(^(* review is that?
I've been kind of on the fence about the game, myself. Although I DO like the film it's based on, 99% of the games based on movies STINK TO HIGH-HEAVEN. Game developers are generally more lazy on license titles and tend to rely more on name recognition to sell them. Contrary to what most cynics and pessimists think, gamers are SMARTER than that and word travels fast about which games to avoid buying.
(In fact, I was recently told by a game-seller that the fastest-discounted game in recent history had to be the Catwoman game based on the Halle Berry film that all but sunk her career. It was so universally panned in reviews that the game's price was cut from $50 to $20 within a month!)
According to reviews of the Japanese version of the game released a year ago, this game is more shovel-ware. American gamers have been hoping (and I can tell you this from browsing the messageboards on my own) the gameplay would be fixed, but generally about the most that gets down with region ports is to translate all Japanese into English and debug games. Actual gameplay mechanics and control issues generally don't get fixed in most region-to-region ports.
And unlike IGN, everybody's being honest about the crummy gameplay (on the Japanese version of Oogie Boogie at any rate). That's why most of us buy games, by the way. Seems like IGN forget that little part or tried to bury it a bit because of some misplaced loyalty to T.B.