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Post by GeorgeC » April 26th, 2005, 6:56 pm


BTW, swap the first and last letters of Eisner's name with a D and a Y. I love that he thinks that about himself.[/quote]

On his worst days, Walt Disney was never as evil as Eisner is on his best days! Disney created a cultural icon that was loved for decades by most Americans and people around the world... Eisner has created a monster out of that icon that became reviled within a decade due to his own personal foibles.

I admit to not liking Eisner... I've always suspected duplicity as far as that guy is concerned, but the Disney War book revealed a man far less principled and more fundamentally screwed-up than anybody else you can think of in Hollywood.

Move over, Ebeneezer Scrooge. You're not the greediest or stingiest man in town anymore...

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Post by ShyViolet » April 26th, 2005, 8:44 pm

For all its faults, the Disney War book by James Stewart is also VERY enlightening about all the politics and lies Eisner has used to gain power at Disney. He is by far the biggest mistake that Roy Disney and the Disney Board ever made.
Right after firing Jeff K. :roll:

Stewart barely addressed Stan and Roy's role in this issue (which is surprising since it's pretty well-known) but then again not that surprising, considering all the plugs SaveDisney.com gave DisneyWar. Just sickening. :evil:

He loudly complained about Katzenberg's media exposure to the press (citing it as a reason for why he should be let go) and then
five minutes after Katzenberg was fired, Roy immediately went in his place as the "ambassador" of the company to all the Lion King promotions.

He signs autographs, has a website that presents him and his family as living saints, has his signature on DVDs that he had NOTHING to do with creatively, hawked his family name like there's no tommorow on t-shirts, buttons, and bumper stickers AND HE SAYS KATZENBERG was too much of media glory-hog???

These points are noticably absent from Stewart's book.

BTW I'm pretty sure Roy sold most of his stock 2 years ago. Oh well. :roll:
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Traditional animation

Post by Rabbit Frenzy » May 6th, 2005, 7:53 pm

The drawing doesn't make the movie--the plot makes the movie. ;) It doesn't matter if it's done with hand-drawn animation or computers, if the plot fits and sits well, it will be successful.
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Post by Ben » May 7th, 2005, 10:49 am

To an extent yes.

But I can't sit through a poorly animated movie even if it has a riviting story since the world is never that believable, just as much as I can't sit through a well animated film if the story stinks.

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