Big Star Voice Actors--pro or con?

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Post by lordcookie » January 27th, 2007, 5:56 pm

The one thing that annoys me about star names doing animated voices is that certain studios (i.e. Dreamworks) seem to pick the actor because of their name rather than their ability to do the job. It is as if they develop the movie poster with all those big impressive names splashed across the top before thinking about who could actually do those characters justice so you end up with some rubbish like Shark Tale. At least with Pixar they pick actors (big name or otherwise) that fit the role they are cast to play. I'm pretty sure its only the Toy Story films (please correct me if I am wrong) that have the actors names on the posters from Pixar and that is the way it should be.

Dreamworks are at it again with Shrek 3. The only reason they cast Justin Timberlake is because of his (then) connection with Cameron Diaz. Is he the best man to play that role? Maybe but I highly doubt it.

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Post by Meg » January 27th, 2007, 9:01 pm

I'm pretty sure its only the Toy Story films (please correct me if I am wrong) that have the actors names on the posters from Pixar and that is the way it should be.
Monsters Inc. and Cars did as well.

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Post by Ben » January 28th, 2007, 7:44 am

Cars did?

I must'a missed those.

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Post by lordcookie » January 28th, 2007, 8:26 am

Meg wrote:
I'm pretty sure its only the Toy Story films (please correct me if I am wrong) that have the actors names on the posters from Pixar and that is the way it should be.
Monsters Inc. and Cars did as well.
Perhaps it is different in the UK as it is in the US because neither of those films had promotional posters with the actors names on it.

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Post by Dacey » January 28th, 2007, 12:33 pm

Dreamworks are at it again with Shrek 3. The only reason they cast Justin Timberlake is because of his (then) connection with Cameron Diaz. Is he the best man to play that role? Maybe but I highly doubt it.
I don't know if is or not. But, I believe they said that his casting had nothing to do with him dating Cameron Diaz.
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Post by ShyViolet » January 28th, 2007, 9:23 pm

Well, what about the Madagascar Penguins? They were the best thing in that movie, and NONE of them were big stars! :P (all animators)

Also, OTH: Yeah it had Avril Lavigne in it (I actually think she did a pretty good job, as she fit the character) but other than her there were no "HUGE" stars unless maybe Wanda Sykes, but her voice also fit her character.

Are William Shatner, Thomas Hayden Church, Nick Nolte, Allison Janney, Eugene Levy and Gary Shandling TRULY what you would call big stars?? I don't consider them that to tell the truth. I don't think ANY of them can open a movie the way Tom Cruise or Julia Roberts can. (Not that it makes them better actors.) None of those guys are on any A-list the way studio executives think of an A-list. They're great actors AND character actors, they served the voices well.

And Bruce Willis....yeah he's technically on the "A-list" but not that big anymore...not like Brad Pitt anyway. He's getting up there in years, he's not Ashton Kutcher. :? He sure isn't Jim Carrey (and "despite" being a big star, Jim Carrey WOULD have done a great job as RJ, but as we all know he had to pass) Bruce Willis did a good job on this....he was focused on served the character well.

I personally think that Brad Pitt/Catherine Zeta Jones were not on-the-surface horrible choices for Sinbad and Marina, actually they might have done a very good job had they put more of themselves into it. Zeta-Jones wasn't THAT bad, but Brad, even though he fit the character, obviously wasn't investing himself in that role for whatever reason.
Dreamworks are at it again with Shrek 3. The only reason they cast Justin Timberlake is because of his (then) connection with Cameron Diaz. Is he the best man to play that role? Maybe but I highly doubt it.
He's playing a whiny immature high school kid/teenager. Who would YOU have picked for the role? :?

:P :wink:

The Gingerbread man, everyone's favorite from Shrek, was played by one of the animation directors, Conrad Vernon. Ditto Pinnochio....and the Three Little Pigs. (also animation guys)

And John Lithgow as Lord Faarquad! :roll: C'mon, who even cares about John Lithgow? Yeah he's a great actor but when was the last time you heard about a 100 million dollar summer blockbuster starring John Lithgow? Didn't Ron 'n Jon seriously consider him to play Hades at one point?

Also, everyone forgets that for Shrek 2 they cast Rupert Everett as Prince Charming and Jennifer Saunders of Ab Fab for Fairy Godmother. How many average people even know who they are unless they are famililar with British actors? How many people do YOU know in America who actually watched Absolutely Fabulous, Jennifer Saunders' comedy in England? I used to watch it all the time....not that many people in the USA have however.

People only know Rupert Everett (if they recognize his name at all) as the gay guy in My Best Friend's Wedding. Period. He was also in that Madonna movie The Next Best Thing some years many people remember THAT film?? :? :roll: :P
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Post by Ben » January 29th, 2007, 8:46 am

Spidey 3 is going to make Thomas Hayden Church A-list, no question. It's what he does <I>next</I> that will determine if he stays there.

Willis not so big anymore? With Die Hard 4.0 coming in a matter of months?

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Post by Dacey » January 29th, 2007, 12:58 pm

I think that DW not getting any Oscar noms this year has charged ShyVi.

And, I must say, her posts are starting to look like short essays again. ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » January 29th, 2007, 1:23 pm

I think that DW not getting any Oscar noms this year has charged ShyVi.
LOL.....How did you guess WJ? :lol:

Well, maybe.

Here's hoping Shrek is a blockbuster, though! :)
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Post by Ben » January 29th, 2007, 2:18 pm

Shrek was a blockbuster. You mean Shrek 3, AKA Shrek The Third.

Sorry, being annoyingly padantic on purpose. ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » January 29th, 2007, 7:34 pm

'S OK! :)

Shrek the Third is certainly not the same as Shrek, Shrek was a movie all its own and no one can make one exactly like it. :P :)
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Post by ShyViolet » January 30th, 2007, 8:52 pm

Spidey 3 is going to make Thomas Hayden Church A-list, no question. It's what he does next that will determine if he stays there.
Yeah, but he probably wasn't A-List when he was cast for OTH. :)

Willis not so big anymore? With Die Hard 4.0 coming in a matter of months?
Yeah, but really, will anyone actually care? :roll: How many years since the last one again? :roll:

I don't think the latest Rocky was all that much of a success either. :?

Oh, and this is funny: :P

(Edited a bit for content)
Unbreakable--The Abridged Script

By Rod Hilton

Wow, I am unbreakable. This makes me feel just wretched.

Hi. I'm about to say a line which is so unrealistic, drawn-out, and overly dramatic that it seems to have actually been written just to be in the trailer. I'm looking at you like this for two reasons. Number one, you're the only survivor of a train wreck that killed a number of extras, which might possibly include a high school friend of Rod Hilton's who allegedly was going to try and be an extra in the movie since the last time Rod talked to him.. and look so damn forlorn, I wondered if you wanted a prescription for prozac.

No that's okay. I'm just re-hasing my character from the sixth sense. Same director, same tone, same setting, same built-around-surprise-ending style.. I figured I could do the whole bit where I'm constantly forlorn, I'm in an unhappy marriage, I care about a kid, and I'm so pathetically dumb that I can't figure out the surprise ending before the audience.

Maybe I can help you out, m****f****. See, I think I know something you might not.
(miraculously straightfaced)
You see, I think comics are the windows to ancient history. Therefore they can be true.

I am forlorn. This makes me want to shoot myself.

Go ahead and try it, you are unbreakable. I, on the other hand, am very breakable. Watch as I valiantly sacrifice my ability to walk in order to prove that you are a superhero.

He does this.

Ow! I am wheelchair-bound! I hope you learned how important you are!

Actually, I learned you're a nut. I almost drowned once. I can be broken. I am not a superhero. Stay the f*** away from me.

I will react by going to a comic book shop and being a major d*** to the guy who works there.


Hey dad. I'm going to shoot you and prove you are a superhero.

We're friends, son. Friends don't shoot friends.

Was I supposed to take that line seriously?

Hey! This is a movie in which people are seriously talking about comics as history books and I'm supposed to have super powers in which I can't get sick or hurt yet I managed to never notice this before. I think you can swallow my kid trying to shoot me.

Hey everyone. Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to point out how atmospheric my movie is. Thanks, I'll go back to w*****g myself in anticipation of the surprise ending again.

Hey Bruce! I figured out what everyone in the audience who ever read a comic book already knew! Water is your kryptonite! You have to go to a place where there is people. Once there, you will partake in a scene which is strangely similar to the train station scene in X-Men.

I am plagued and saddened by this curse of invincibility. Hey, that janitor is doing some evil s***.

BRUCE WILLIS mopes and follows the JANITOR.


I am pure evil and don't even have any lines, including this one! I am the essense of the comic book goon villain that serves no purpose but to help the superhero establish plot.

I will kill you and save these three people.
(looking at the woman)
Two people. Who are kids. With no parents now. I kinda sucked on this one, didn't I? It's no matter, check out my cool costume! It's a giant rain coat with a hood and it says "security" on the back. I'm Securityman! Hmm, wait, how about: Dr. Security! No.. The Securitor!

You have truly discovered that you are indeed a superhero, Bruce! Now we can join forces and fight crime! I shall be the Robin to your Batman! The Hawkeye of our Avengers! The Kathie Lee to your Regis! Wait.. she's evil...hmm....

I'm slightly less forlorn now that I know I can look forward to a life of serving ungrateful bastards! However, I can never tell my wife, only you and my kid may ever know the secret identity of The Securitor!

Isn't this ending just ridiculously surprising?? Aren't I f*****g clever???


Securitor! After them!

BRUCE WILLIS grabs the AUDIENCE and makes them watch THE STORY OF US and THE JACKAL.

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Mercury52 » February 3rd, 2007, 9:34 am

Rather that give my rating of individual actors, I'll address the topic title, the "pro or con" part.

In my experience - it depends. Sometimes having a celebrity voice can be perfect casting, other times it can be truly annoying and obvious that the "actor" was chosen for the name/voice recognition factor.

For me, it depends on who's making the film. In my opinion, Pixar, while often casting celebrities, really does tend to choose the best person for the role.

Take a look at Toy Story. Certainly Tim Allen and Tom Hanks are well known by both name and voice, but they truly give rounded performances that give their characters heart and depth. I also truly believe that if Pixar believes an actor is right for a role, they'll cast them, regardless of celebrity status. Take a look at Bo Peep in Toy Story. It would've been very easy to cast someone with more "star power" than Annie Potts, but they went with who they felt was right for the role. I'm not trying to say that Annie Potts isn't well-known, but I certainyl wouldn't rank her fame up there with Tom Hanks.

Then I look at Dreamworks, where I find celebrity casting tends to be overbearing. While the Shrek movies have been great, and well-cast for the most part, I think they go for celebrites more so than actual role-appropriateness, despite what was said in the video clip posted above.

Take a look at Shark Tale. Another celebrity voice is thrown in at every turn, and while mildly amusing, I don't find that any of the parts are all that well acted, nor are the characters endearing.

In Shrek, Eddie Murphy and Mike Myers truly make you feel for their characters and love them. But Cameron Diaz? Surely they could've found someone better? I'm not saying Cameron does a bad job, but I think there are probably people out there who are better suited for the role and would do a better job. In this instance I just happen to think that she was cast more for her name than for her talent as a VO artist.

My 2 cents...

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Post by Ben » February 7th, 2007, 10:07 am

Gotta point out that neither Tom Hanks or Tim Allen were <I>huge</I> when Toy Story started out in 1991-ish.

In fact, I think it's very much being involved in that film that made them far more accessible (yes, even after Hanks had won his back-to-back OScars).

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Post by ShyViolet » February 14th, 2007, 9:30 pm

Here's a cool piece on a great VO (I haven't seen the movie in years but still remember his voice quite well.) But he DEFINETELY wasn't "famous"-- ... treet.html
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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