Do you have autism?

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Do you have autism?

Post by GeffreyDrogon » June 28th, 2021, 11:03 pm

Just to know, since I am still new to this group, I have autism.
Do any of you others have any kind of disability?

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Re: Do you have autism?

Post by Randall » June 29th, 2021, 1:20 am

Not me.

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Re: Do you have autism?

Post by EricJ » June 29th, 2021, 4:17 pm

Think I may have, to use the Cartman-ism, @$$-Burgered a bit as a kid, before I went clean (if Ben thinks I'm "obnoxious" now, shoulda seen me in second grade)--

So now any time some poster on any forum (not here yet, thankfully) starts:
- Acting a little too creepily chummy with the group, or individual members who respond to them,
- Tries to start needlessly persistent off-topics with a single-minded age-ambiguous obsession with one thing from his childhood like the Muppets or Disney Afternoon,
- Makes inexplicable "running-gag" jokes only he gets, or thinks he's witty using strange expressions not heard since 70's variety shows or 60's sitcoms,
- Answers/updates his own posts in chain succession even over a period of months or years, or even
- Unparsably writes his posts like he was literally typing blindfolded,
...No one ever believes the expert when I try to alert them to the danger signs.

Let's just say the LGBT "I'm odd and proud!" marketing vibe works for some folks, and...not for others.

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