"Don't Hassle The Hoff"

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"Don't Hassle The Hoff"

Post by GeorgeC » February 10th, 2009, 9:58 am


"Do you know how many demos I get... How many scripts I get... AND .... THEY..... ALLL..... SUCK!"

Must be seen to be believed.

The ultimate man-crush! :lol:

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Post by Ben » February 10th, 2009, 3:50 pm

Ironic, but not in a good way. Embarrassing, actually. :roll:


Post by GeorgeC » February 10th, 2009, 6:21 pm

No sense of humor, today?

"The Hoff" seemed to take it in good stride.

Considering how awful his divorce was and how his alcoholism got presented worldwide by his kids, you'd have to have a VERY good sense of humor to move on!

What amazes me is that there are people who have done far worse things to complete strangers (Roman Polanksi, anyone?) and yet they get off scot-clean in entertainment land and many other entertainment personalities get tarred for something that's almost run of the mill.

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Post by Ben » February 10th, 2009, 6:25 pm

I just thought that he didn't play this with any irony. He was overbearing on some of his lines at the beginning and I just felt that the humor was sucked dry by his not actually seeming to get the joke.

That...and that fact that this seems to be the culmination of a joke that's been boiling here for about a year: he was a guest host on a raucous TV show here, which is where "don't hassle the hoff" came from.

Sense of humor present and correct...this just didn't tickle my ribcage. :)


Post by GeorgeC » February 10th, 2009, 7:05 pm


American stars do things overseas we don't often see in the States.

Yeah -- don't embarrass the home crowd (us) or embarrass yourself in front of your fellow citizens (Americans, again), BUT feel free to make a complete fool of yourself overseas and reinforce the attitude that "Blimey, those Yanks are nuts!" or (with a French accent), "Americannnzzz... No culture! Phooey!"

The unfortunate thing is that people often take American celebrities to be representatives of the average American!

Man oh man... There are quite a few people I want to disown as fellow Americans because of their overseas shenanigans. I'm not even talking about politicians!


I kind of empathize with Australians and how they generally felt about the late Steve Irwin (as much as I chuckled at his latest exploits and several of his near-disasters prior to his death. I was a fan for several years before he passed away)... He embarrassed a lot of people in Australia.

That said, I never thought Steve-O was the "average Aussie".

Uh-uh. Not by a long shot.

Very few people are THAT crazy!

(Considering my life has been spent around a bunch of eccentrics, I think I'm qualified to be an expert on what constitutes "crazy.")

I'm still shaking my head that he was harpooned to death by a(n almost) regular fish! Shark attack or crocodile accident I could have seen happening, but a freakin' stingray???? DID NOT SEE THAT ONE COMING!

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Post by Ben » February 11th, 2009, 8:43 am

It's okay George. I don't think many people take the Hoff seriously as an American ambassador anyway! Now, as a <I>parody</I> of an American...you might be on to something there.

I was a fan and as shocked about Steve-O too: even went to see the Collision Course movie, which I found to be great lightweight fun. At his biggest, I spent nearly a week in an edit suite cutting the show I was on in the style of Steve Irwin...I had the voice down pat and drove everyone nuts: "when we make a cut here, we cut down <I>haaard</I>!" I would say, or in shifting the media around I would be describing it as "well we're gonna shift these little buggers right over here...crikey!" :)

Of course, I haven't worked there in a while! *

* (This last line was a joke. I thought that some irony and intent was being lost here recently, so I'd point it out. I actually went on to stay five long years with the company).

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