In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Sailor Moon, creator Naoko Takeuchi made the announcement that a new anime series is being made and will be airing in Japan sometime between 2013-2014. The announcement was made yesterday (July 6) during a live-stream celebreation of the series on the Japanese video sharing site Nico Nico. The series will be co-produced by Kodanshi Comics with Momoiro Clover Z performing a new theme song.
The Nico Nico stream celebration featuring Kotono Mitsuishi and Tohru Furuya, the voices of Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino and Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru Chiba in the first Sailor Moon anime. Sorry, no subtitles yet.
Now, THAT´s great News! Use to watch this back in the days and was a huge fan as a youngster.
I just hope they stick to the concept that made me a fan back then....of course,new techniques/FX will be part of the whole thing, but I hope there will be no SW-EP-I-III-Dilemma involved. Fingers crossed.