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Post by James » January 11th, 2005, 8:58 am

This awards show has lost what little credibility it had. It switched this year from Gallop polling for winners to internet polling. That is why there were so many winners that did not match what appeared to be the People's actual Choices - they had internet campaigns stuffing the ballot boxes.

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Post by Ben » January 11th, 2005, 4:52 pm

I'm not so sure, James! I thought the Michael Moore bashers around here would get a kick outta this one (from today's IMBD, reprinted here in case it flies away):

Member of N.Y. Film Critics Circle Blasts Michael Moore for No-Show

The lead film critic of the New York Daily News has taken Michael Moore to task for ditching an appearance at the New York Film Critics Circle dinner awards ceremony where he would have picked up a Best Documentary award for Fahrenheit 9/11 and instead flying to California to receive the favorite movie award on the televised People's Choice Awards. Saying that Moore's actions deserved an award for "Slight of the Year," Jack Mathews commented, "He chose the nonaward over the award, the patronizing TV show over a dinner with peers, the photo op over the credibility op. He chose to patronize the public as bastions of good taste, and to pretend that his anti-Bush screed had captured the fancy of a nation." Mathews remarked that it is unclear to him how Fahrenheit won the top award for favorite film. "Typically," he noted,"the film that sells the most tickets wins this award." Other analysts have pointed out that this year the producers of the show altered its selection procedure, ending their deal with the Gallup organization to conduct a scientific poll of moviegoers and instead conducting a vote on the Internet, subjecting the voting process to politicking and the equivalent of ballot-box stuffing.

- Seems the PCA are important to SOME people, even if they are for all the wrong reasons! ;)

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Post by mr. squarepants » January 11th, 2005, 6:15 pm

It's a jaded and cynical place, the entertainment industry, and sometimes you need to think that way when things don't look as rosey and clear cut as they are supposed to!
I know, but I guess I keep wanting to believe otherwise. Still, the truth is the truth.

By the way, that was a very interesting story you wrote, Ben! Got any other good ones that you don't mind sharing with us?

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The 2005 Oscar thread: predictions, thoughts, rants, etc...

Post by James » January 23rd, 2005, 11:32 pm

Feel free to post your predictions, thoughts, rants, etc. about the 2005 Academy Awards here!

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Post by Christian » January 24th, 2005, 12:58 am

The Incredibles all over the place. Well, maybe not, but I'm sure it'll get something.

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Post by askmike1 » January 24th, 2005, 1:59 am

My Picks for Animated Category
1. Incredibles (definate)
2. Shrek 2 (definate)
3. Spongebob (what it's going to be)
3. Home on the Range (what I want it to be)

Personally, I hope that HotR wins, but I think Shrek 2 is going to win.

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Post by Josh » January 24th, 2005, 2:10 am

What I think will happen:

Best Animated Feature:
1. The Incredibles*
2. Shrek 2
3. Polar Express

Best Original Song:
1. Accidentally in Love (Shrek 2)
2. Believe (The Polar Express)

However, for the latter category, I wish it would be:
1. Yodel-Adle-Eedle-Idle-Oo (Home on the Range)
2. Will the Sun Ever Shine Again (Home on the Range)

And you know what, I might be crazy, but I just cannot help to wonder if The Incredibles will get nominated for Best Picture. I really think it may happen.

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Post by askmike1 » January 24th, 2005, 2:23 am

adding to my first post...

Best Song
I would love "Little Patch of Heaven" (HotR) to win.

I think the best Best Picture nominees would be
The Incredibles
*Passion of the Christ
Farenheit 9/11
(maybe this would finally spice up the oscars)

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Post by Fazendinha » January 24th, 2005, 11:11 am

all I want is for either Ryan or In The Rough to win the Oscar for best short... that's it! We all already know that the animated feature film will go to the Incredibles, don't we?

and now for some ranting...
I believe that big studios shouldn't be nominated for the best animated short, it isn't fair that films like "the old lady and the pigeon" and "Stubble trouble" (amongst others) get neglected because of highgly polished films by big studios, not that they don't deserve it... we all know that they do, but other studios also deserve a chance to get exposure.

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The Incredibles of course!

Post by AniMan » January 24th, 2005, 11:25 am

The best animated film nominees will likely be:

The Incredibles
Shrek 2
The Polar Express
SpongeBob Squarepants movie

The Incredibles will win, though this year I think it's a very, very
close and tough race with Shrek 2 and The Polar Express. If either
one of those two won I wouldn't be terribly surprised, but I would
be disappointed. The Incredibles was unquestionably the best
animated (and arguably THE best) film of the year. I've read one
the posts that put Home on the Range on the list of contenders.
No offense, but, HAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry.. I just think that was
about one of THE worst Disney animated films EVER! It was only
slightly better than a direct-to-video movie at your bargain video

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Post by askmike1 » January 24th, 2005, 12:17 pm

1) Why should big studios not get a chance. The animator there should get just as much recognition as any other animator. Besides, the oscar judges don't base there opinion on how 'distributed' it was (remember, last year Harvey Krumpet won over both Roy and Pixar's films).

2) As for HotR, I love that it was a musical and think it was 10 times better than Shrek 2 and Incredibles. It was a little short, but still...

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Post by AniMan » January 24th, 2005, 12:44 pm

Sorry to sound so incredulous, but I've never heard anyone say they actually thought Home on the Range was a good film. I can appreciate that it was a musical (I love musicals!) but therein lies part of the problem with that film: the songs. Completely forgettable, as were the characters, with few exceptions (I did rather like the villain and the horse, voiced by Cuba Gooding Jr.) I think the casting of Roseanne as the bovine hero was awful. Oh, that horrible, annoying voice!
Anyway, if it even gets nominated, given all the much better animated fare out there last year, I would genuinely be amazed!

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Post by AniMan » January 24th, 2005, 12:51 pm

Is there anyone else besides me who feels that The Polar Express hasn't
been given its due praise for just how great a film this was? I am honestly torn between which is the better film: The Incredibles or The Polar Express. I give the edge slightly to The Incredibles but Polar Express was such a beautiful film that I feel like it should win something. Maybe best song. I thought "Believe" was a beautiful, touching song, the best I heard last year. It fit perfectly with the storyline of the movie.

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Post by James » January 24th, 2005, 1:45 pm

My predictons:

- Animated Film
The Incredibles
The Polar Express
Shrek 2

- Original Score
The Incredibles

- Original Song
The Polar Express
Shrek 2

- Sound Editing
The Incredibles

- Special Effects
The Day After Tomorrow
I Robot
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Long shots:

- Best Picture
The Incredibles

- Original Screenplay
The Incredibles

- Art Direction
The Incredibles


- I'm not even going to try predicting the Animated Short category!

- Though not animated, I'd also predict that Randy Newman is a possible long shot contender for the Song award for Meet the Fockers.

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Post by AniMan » January 24th, 2005, 2:03 pm

Let's not forget Spider-Man 2 in the special effects category. It's definitely a very strong contender in that category. I feel it should win.

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